A foreign film I’d like to talk about is Inception[ n’sep ən], an action-science fiction.
The film was released last year and I saw[s :] it in the cinema when it came out.
The plot is kind of complicated and I still couldn’t fully understand the film. But basically, it tells a story about a man who hopes to get back to his children after having been accused[ə’kju:z] of murdering his wife. The hero, together with his team, needs to complete a mission of incepting an idea to the subconsciousness[‘k n əsn s] of his target’s, who is a son of a billionaire’s[biljə’n ə], that he should break[breik] down the empire that his father has built after his death. The mission is given by a Japanese who is the opponent[ə’pəunənt] of the billionaire. After going through all the twists and turns, the hero and his team makes it in the end.
I like this film a lot because this film is different from all the movies I’ve seen before. The story is kind of thought-provoking. For example, dreams can be designed and people can be led[led] into a dream. Actually, the moment I got out of the cinema, I was wondering if I were in a dream or not.
How amazing it was, isn’t it?