EDC Mandarin Level Checking System


EDC Internet Mandarin Checking System “iMCheckS” is a Mandarin test for adult non-native speakers of Chinese. The test is delivered via online and is scored automatically. During the test, the system presents a series of PinYin, Listening and Grammar in Mandarin. The iMCheck provides numeric scores and performance levels that describe the test taker’s ability to understand spoken Mandarin on everyday topics. 

EDC iMChecks has three sections: PinYin, Understanding of Mandarin via Listening tests and Word order test for Grammar and sentence structure. All items can be analyzed automatically. These item types provide multiple, fully independent measures that underlie facility with Mandarin, including phonological fluency, sentence comprehension, and vocabulary. More than one task type contributes to each subscore; thus, the use of multiple item types maximizes score reliability.

EDC iMCheck analyzes the test taker’s responses and provides scores instantly. 




This level check including the knowledge of PinYin, Sentence Structure, Grammar and Listening.


This is EDC Level Checking System, fast and effective. In only 10-15 minutes, we should be able to understand your current levels.

Mandarin Level Check Whole