What is the IELTS Test?
IELTS = International English Language Testing System. It is the world’s biggest English
language test with test centres in most countries. This means it is a test which accepts
international English, not only British English.
There are four parts to the IELTS test:
■IELTS Speaking – a face to face informal test with an examiner which lasts between 11 and
14 mins and is made up of 3 parts. All IELTS candidates take the same test.
■ IELTS Listening – a 30 minute audio recording with 40 questions. All IELTS candidates take
the same test.
■IELTS Reading – 3 reading passages with 40 questions which lasts for 1 hour. This test is
divided into Academic and General Training papers.
■IELTS Writing – this is divided into task 1 and task 2. Task 1 Academic is a short report of a
chart, graph, map table etc. Task 1 GT is a letter. Task 2 Academic & GT is a formal essay.
IELtS writing lasts for 1 hour in total. .
For more information about band scores, GT IELTS, computer IELTS etc see the TEST
INFC )RMATIC DN button on the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website. The Test Info FAQ
page will give you information about using capital letters, using highlighter pens etc – make sure
you read that page.