CEF English for Beginner

Initial Comments

主要教授普通話,廣東話,英語和其它主要語言。 更提供更多種類的語言課程, 包括: (1)一對一, (2)小組(3-7人),(3)公司合約課程, (4)網上課程。

提供最優質的一對一 或私人訂製語言課程。特別針對零 初級英語程度成年人學習英語。

2 (a)
Term of Reference (Committee):
課程監管機制的「Terms of Reference」是指該機制的範疇、職責和運作原則。以下是課程監管機制的一般「Terms of Reference」的描述:

  1. 目的:確保課程的有效執行、質量控制和持續改進,以實現學習成果和學生的期望。
  2. 範疇:該監管機制涵蓋整個課程的規劃、執行和評估階段,包括教學資源的開發、教學活動的執行、評核方式的設計和評估結果的分析。
  3. 職責和角色:
  • Method Director(方法總監):負責整體課程規劃和統籌,確保教學方法和教材的有效性,監督課程的品質和進度,並提供必要的支援和指導。
  • Head Teachers(主任教師):負責監管課程的教學質量和學生進度,進行定期的課堂觀察和評估,提供具體的反饋和建議,並與教師合作確保課程目標的達成。
  • Advisor(顧問):作為第三方的監管角色,確保課程的符合標準和要求,提供專業指導和評估,監督整個監管機制的運作和效果。
  1. 監管流程:
  • 課程計劃和資源開發:Method Director與Head Teachers和Teachers合作,確定課程內容和學習目標,開發相應的教學資源。
  • 課堂觀察和評估:Head Teachers進行定期的課堂觀察,評估教學質量和學生的學習表現,提供詳細的反饋和建議。
  • 學生學習評估:Teachers負責評估


  • 監管報告和改進計劃:Method Director和Head Teachers定期彙總監管結果,生成監管報告,包括發現的問題和改進建議,並制定相應的改進計劃。
  1. 監管要求和標準:課程監管機制遵循一定的監管要求和標準,包括教學質量標準、學習成果標準、評估準則和課程進度要求等。這些要求和標準是確保課程運作的基準,以保證學生得到高質量的教學和學習體驗。


這些「Terms of Reference」將確保課程監管機制的順利運作和有效管理,以實現課程的教學目標和學生的學習成果。

Composition and Membership:

  • Method Director(方法總監):負責整體課程規劃和統籌,確保教學方法和教材的有效性,監督課程的品質和進度,並提供必要的支援和指導。
  • Head Teachers(主任教師):負責監管課程的教學質量和學生進度,進行定期的課堂觀察和評估,提供具體的反饋和建議。
  • Advisor(顧問):作為第三方的監管角色,確保課程的符合標準和要求,提供專業指導和評估,監督整個監管機制的運作和效果。

這個組合和成員結構將確保課程的有效監管和支援。Method Director負責整體規劃和統籌,確保課程目標的實現。Head Teachers作為主要監管人員,負責觀察和評估教學質量和學生進度,提供寶貴的反饋和建議。Advisor作為第三方的監管角色,確保課程符合標準和要求,提供專業指導和評估。教師作為課程的實際執行者,負責教學和評估學生的學習成果。



Governance and Management; Financial and Resources Management; Staffing (Recruitment, Appraisal and Development); and Quality Assurance

Method Director(方法總監):

  • Governance and Management(治理和管理):Method Director負責整體課程規劃和統籌,確保課程目標的實現,並負責制定相關政策和指導方針。
  • Financial and Resources Management(財務和資源管理):Method Director負責監督課程的財務管理,確保資源的合理分配和使用。
  • Staffing(Recruitment, Appraisal and Development)(人員配備):Method Director負責招聘、評估和培訓教師,確保有質量和合適的教師團隊。
  • Quality Assurance(質量保證):Method Director負責制定和實施監管機制,確保課程的質量和標準,並進行持續改進。

Head Teachers(主任教師):

  • Governance and Management(治理和管理):Head Teachers負責監管課程的教學質量和學生進度,並確保課程的運作符合標準和要求。
  • Staffing(Recruitment, Appraisal and Development)(人員配備):Head Teachers參與教師的招聘、評估和培訓,確保教師團隊的質量和發展。
  • Quality Assurance(質量保證):Head Teachers負責觀察和評估教學質量,提供具體的反饋和建議,並參與課程的持續改進。


  • Governance and Management(治理和管理):Advisor作為第三方的監管角色,參與課程的治理和管理,確保遵守相關政策和指導方針。
  • Quality Assurance(質量保證):Advisor負責監督整個監管機制的運作和效果,提供專業指導和評估,確保課程符合標準和要求。

Senior Teachers(高級教師)和Teachers(教師):

  • Staffing(Recruitment, Appraisal and Development)(人員配備):Senior Teachers和Teachers參與教師的招聘、評估和培訓,確保教師團隊的質量和發展。
  • Quality Assurance(質量保證):Senior Teachers和Teachers負責執行教學活動,評估學生



Please refer to the app: Line of report 2c

Describe the line of reporting among the staff members and/or committees based on the roles mentioned earlier:

  1. Method Director (Reports to Advisory Board):
  • Supervises and coordinates the overall curriculum planning and implementation.
  • Oversees the Head Teachers, Senior Teachers, and Teachers.
  • Collaborates with the Advisory Board to ensure compliance with standards and guidelines.
  1. Head Teachers:
  • Report to the Method Director.
  • Supervise and support the Senior Teachers and Teachers.
  • Monitor the quality of teaching, student progress, and adherence to curriculum guidelines.
  1. Advisor:
  • Reports to the Advisory Board.
  • Provides guidance and oversight on curriculum development, quality assurance, and compliance.
  • Collaborates with the Method Director and Head Teachers to ensure program effectiveness.
  1. Senior Teachers and Teachers:
  • Report to the Head Teachers and Method Director.
  • Follow curriculum guidelines and teaching plans provided by the Head Teachers.
  • Collaborate with Head Teachers for feedback, professional development, and improvement.

Please note that this is a simplified representation of the reporting structure, and the actual reporting relationships may vary depending on the specific organizational setup and hierarchy.

2(d) No Applicable.



  1. Director和Head Teachers可以共同參與教師招聘過程,包括審查申請表、面試候選人和確定最適合的教師。
  2. 考慮擴大招聘範圍,包括在其他地區或機構尋找教師,以增加候選人的數量。
  3. 考慮與其他語言中心或學術機構合作,共享教師資源,以解決教師短缺的問題。


  1. Director可以與Head Teachers和Method Director共同評估資源需求,確定缺乏的項目和數量。
  2. 進行資源採購或租借,以補充缺乏的教學設備、教材或場地等資源。可以與供應商或合作夥伴協商獲取所需資源。
  3. 考慮進行課程時間和安排的調整,以最大限度地利用現有資源,確保課程的順利進行。

實際的解決方案應根據具體情況進行評估和制定。在處理這些問題時,Director應與Head Teachers密切合作,共同制定解決方案和分配重要工作。重要的是要保持有效的溝通和協調,確保團隊的協作和共同努力來實現課程的順利運行。

  1. a. We will provide with attachments.
    3b. Please find the proofread version of the sentences below:

Per intake = HK$17,000 for 80 hours. The per hour per student rate is HK$212.5. The average teacher hourly wage is HK$180. Therefore, the break-even number of students per intake in a group is determined as 1 student..

According to our recording of CEF students, an average of 5 students enroll in each intake. With each student paying HK$17,000, the total revenue from CEF students amounts to HK$85,000 per month. The average total turnover per month is HK$450,000.

In conclusion, when calculating the break-even result, we excluded the total fixed costs from the equation



我們是小班教學為主,灣仔和油麻地分校 不會於任何一天向20人或多於20人或於任何時間同時向8人或多於8人提供教學。


4(e) 所有課程,會在固定分校上課, 不會更改。

4(f) Room 401 油麻地分校。

  1. App CV

6(a) Senior Teacher = Teacher
6(b) General administrative support 是Head Teachers 負責。
6 (c.) Director = Method Director = Director (Method)

7a Based on the previous description of the roles of the Method Director and Head Teacher, the procedures and responsible staff for the major staffing functions including recruitment, appraisal, and development can be outlined as follows:

Roles and Responsibilities of the Method Director and Head Teachers in Staffing Functions:

Method Director:

  1. Recruitment:
  • Prepare and finalize job advertisements for teaching positions.
  • Collaborate with the Head Teachers in screening applications and shortlisting potential candidates.
  • Participate in the final selection process of teachers.
  1. Appraisal:
  • Collaborate with the Head Teachers to establish performance evaluation criteria and procedures.
  • Provide guidance and support to the Head Teachers in conducting regular performance evaluations of teachers.
  • Assist in identifying areas for improvement and developing individualized professional development plans for teachers.
  1. Development:
  • Collaborate with the Head Teachers to create and implement a professional development plan for the teaching staff.
  • Identify and provide professional development opportunities, such as workshops and training sessions.
  • Support the Head Teachers in assigning mentors or coaches to new or less experienced teachers.

Head Teachers:

  1. Recruitment:
  • Collaborate with the Method Director in reviewing and shortlisting candidates for teaching positions.
  • Conduct interviews with shortlisted candidates.
  • Make final decisions regarding the appointment of teachers.
  1. Appraisal:
  • Conduct regular performance evaluations of teachers based on agreed-upon criteria and procedures.
  • Provide constructive feedback and guidance to teachers.
  • Develop individualized professional development plans for teachers.
  1. Development:
  • Collaborate with the Method Director to create and implement a professional development plan for teachers.
  • Assign mentors or coaches to new or less experienced teachers.
  • Ensure ongoing support and resources are available to teachers for their professional growth.

Both Head Teachers and the Method Director should work closely together to ensure effective implementation of the staffing functions. They should regularly communicate, collaborate, and align their efforts to recruit, appraise, and develop the teaching staff. By sharing responsibilities and working in synergy, they can create a supportive and conducive environment for teachers’ growth and contribute to the overall success of the language center.

7b Policies and Rules on Staff Development:

EDC has policies and rules to support staff development. These include internal training programs, professional development opportunities, individual development plans, mentoring and coaching, peer observations and feedback, staff meetings and workshops, performance appraisals, and resource support. Staff members are encouraged to enhance their skills and expertise through various means, both internal and external. The center promotes a culture of continuous learning, providing opportunities for staff to improve their instructional techniques, curriculum development, assessment methods, and classroom management. The focus is on creating a supportive environment that fosters professional growth and ensures the delivery of high-quality education.

8a+b 因這個課程還未開始,現沒有任何證據證明已做流程。

  1. The process for the development of a new program involves several key steps:
  2. Needs Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of the target market, including the demand for specific language programs, preferences of prospective students, and current market trends. This analysis helps determine the potential viability and relevance of a new program.
  3. Curriculum Design: Develop a comprehensive curriculum for the new program, taking into account the learning objectives, language proficiency levels, and specific language skills to be covered. The curriculum should align with industry standards and best practices in language education.
  4. Resource Allocation: Assess the resources required for the new program, including teaching materials, technological tools, and physical space. Allocate necessary resources and ensure their availability to support effective program delivery.
  5. Staffing and Training: Determine the staffing needs for the new program, including recruiting qualified teachers with expertise in the target language. Provide appropriate training and professional development opportunities to ensure teachers are well-equipped to deliver the program effectively.
  6. Marketing and Promotion: Develop marketing strategies to promote the new program, targeting the relevant audience and highlighting its unique features and benefits. Utilize various channels, such as social media, website, and partnerships, to reach potential students and raise awareness.
  7. Program Launch and Evaluation: Launch the new program and closely monitor its implementation. Collect feedback from students, teachers, and other stakeholders to assess the program’s effectiveness, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments to enhance its quality and relevance.

The decision on what programs to offer should be based on a thorough analysis of market demand, student needs, and the language center’s goals and objectives. Consider factors such as the popularity of the language, job market demand, student preferences, and competitive landscape. Conducting market research, surveys, and analyzing industry trends can provide valuable insights to determine the viability and potential success of new language programs.

10a. 如有新課程,要視乎課程的性質而決定邀請課程顧問的人選。
10b。 課程顧問必須要是在課程範疇內有特出的經驗和學歷。
10c. 只有一位課程顧問。

  1. 在收到持續進修基金確認開辦後4星期開始上課。

Upon review, the following list presents the revised Program Objectives (POs) in alignment with the policy objective of the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (QF) to assure relevancy of learning to industry needs:

  1. Equip students with practical knowledge and skills that are directly applicable to industry contexts.
  2. Develop students’ competency in utilizing industry-relevant tools, technologies, and methodologies.
  3. Foster students’ understanding of current industry trends, practices, and standards.
  4. Cultivate students’ problem-solving and critical thinking abilities through industry-specific case studies and scenarios.
  5. Enhance students’ communication and collaboration skills within a professional context.
  6. Prepare students for seamless integration into the workforce by providing industry-specific experiential learning opportunities.
  7. Enable students to adapt to evolving industry needs and embrace lifelong learning for career advancement.
  8. Establish partnerships with industry stakeholders to ensure curriculum relevance and industry input in program development.
  9. Facilitate industry engagement through guest lectures, industry visits, and internships to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and practical industry requirements.
  10. Conduct regular program reviews and updates to ensure alignment with emerging industry needs and technological advancements.

By aligning the POs with the policy objective of assuring relevancy of learning to industry needs, the program aims to produce graduates who are well-prepared and equipped to meet the demands and expectations of the industry, contributing to the overall socio-economic development of the region.

Upon reviewing the provided programme content, the following list presents the revised Program Objectives (POs) to better align with the programme content:

  1. Develop basic language proficiency in English for effective communication in personal introductions and exchanging personal information.
  2. Acquire vocabulary and language structures related to personal belongings, locations, and daily routines.
  3. Enhance language skills in describing ownership, identifying time, and discussing daily activities.
  4. Gain vocabulary and language usage in describing clothing, colors, and discussing weather and seasons.
  5. Develop the ability to tell time, discuss daily schedules, and describe common activities.
  6. Acquire vocabulary related to transportation, family relationships, daily routines, and days of the week.
  7. Expand vocabulary related to housing, rooms, furniture, and discussing living spaces.
  8. Develop language skills in describing jobs, workplaces, and discussing daily work activities.
  9. Acquire vocabulary and language usage related to basic foods, breakfast items, and mealtime discussions.
  10. Develop language skills in discussing sports, abilities, and talents.
  11. Acquire vocabulary related to months, dates, birthdays, holidays, and making plans for special occasions.
  12. Enhance vocabulary related to body parts, health problems, and seeking advice and medication.
  13. Develop language skills in discussing stores, shopping, and tourist attractions.
  14. Acquire vocabulary related to weekends, chores, leisure activities, vacations, and summer activities.
  15. Expand language skills in discussing personal biographical information, years, and school days.
  16. Develop language proficiency in discussing locations, making phone calls, extending invitations, and socializing with friends.

By aligning the POs with the programme content, students will have a clear focus on acquiring relevant language skills and vocabulary that directly correspond to the topics and modules covered in the programme. This alignment ensures a cohesive and comprehensive language learning experience for the students.

Below objectives are from the angle of students who want to learn English for general purpose with simple descriptions. 糾正:
For workplace and students who want to learn English for their career and further developments, 課程的目標(Objectives)如下:

Based on the provided information, the objectives of the course are as follows:

  1. Provide students with a foundation of practical English knowledge and skills for application in everyday life and work contexts.
  2. Develop students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English to enhance their overall language proficiency.
  3. Foster students’ self-directed learning abilities and encourage them to reinforce their learning outside of the classroom.
  4. Test and assess students’ learning outcomes to help them understand their learning progress and achievements.
  5. Enhance students’ vocational skills, enabling them to effectively communicate and collaborate in professional settings using English.
  6. Improve students’ academic achievements, enabling them to read and comprehend higher-level English materials.
  7. Cultivate students’ cross-cultural communication abilities, allowing them to effectively communicate in diverse cultural environments.
  8. Build students’ confidence in using English by providing opportunities to apply their language skills in various contexts.
  9. Attain the certification of Hong Kong Qualifications Framework Level 2, providing a foundation for students’ academic and career development.

These objectives aim to support students in their comprehensive language development within a diverse learning environment and lay a solid foundation for their academic and professional growth.

  1. Learning Outcomes:
  2. Enhanced English Proficiency:
  • Students will demonstrate improved language skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
  • They will develop a strong foundation in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, allowing them to effectively communicate in English.
  • Through regular practice and exposure to authentic materials, students will build confidence in their language abilities and fluency.
  1. Improved Communication Skills:
  • Students will acquire effective communication strategies and techniques, enabling them to express their thoughts, ideas, and opinions with clarity and coherence.
  • They will develop active listening skills, allowing them to understand and respond appropriately in various social and professional situations.
  • Students will also enhance their interpersonal skills, such as maintaining conversations, negotiating, and resolving conflicts.
  1. Increased Cultural Awareness:
  • Throughout the course, students will gain exposure to different aspects of English culture, customs, and traditions, fostering their understanding and appreciation of the English-speaking world.
  • They will explore cultural topics related to greetings, social etiquette, and cultural practices, enabling them to navigate intercultural communication with sensitivity and respect.
  • Students will engage with authentic materials, such as literature, films, and media, to develop a deeper understanding of cultural nuances and perspectives.

Based on your provided requirements, the revised Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) to address the issues are as follows:

  1. Demonstrate Enhanced English Proficiency: Students will develop the ability to effectively understand, write, read, and communicate in English, achieving fluency and accuracy. This competency will equip students with the necessary linguistic tools for diverse academic, professional, and social situations.
  2. Apply Improved Communication Skills: Students will be able to use oral and written English to convey clear, well-structured, and logical arguments, express ideas coherently, and engage in persuasive dialogues. They will master the nuances of communication in different contexts, including academic, formal, informal, and digital mediums.
  3. Exhibit Increased Cultural Awareness: Students will show the capability to identify and appreciate cultural differences and similarities, fostering respect and understanding. This learning outcome will enable students to appropriately respond to cultural cues while interacting with native English speakers in various English-speaking countries.
  4. Utilize English for Traveling: Students will possess the ability to use English confidently and effectively while traveling in English-speaking countries. They will understand and apply essential travel-related vocabulary and phrases, negotiate in English, and seek help when needed.
  5. Show Effective Listening Skills: Students will be able to comprehend spoken English, understand accents, and decode verbal cues, improving their ability to interact with native English speakers.
  6. Illustrate Reading Comprehension: Students will be equipped to read and understand various texts in English, ranging from informal emails to formal academic literature, thereby enhancing their ability to navigate in an English-speaking environment.

These PILOs start with action verbs, focus on competencies that help realize the program objectives, are measurable, and specify the specific language skills students would need for effective communication with English native speakers when traveling in English-speaking countries.

Here’s how individual units can be designed to achieve these learning outcomes, using examples to illustrate:

K3 – Make comparisons with some evaluation and interpret available information;

Unit 2: Where are my keys?
Students need to compare different locations where they might have left their keys, evaluating the likelihood of each. They must interpret available information such as their memory of recent activities and physical clues in their environment.

Unit 5: What time is it?
Students must interpret the information provided by clocks and other timekeeping devices, and evaluate the implications of that information for their daily schedule.

A2 – Accept defined responsibility for quantity and quality of own output subject to external quality checking;

Unit 9: I always eat breakfast.
In a task about planning and preparing a healthy breakfast, students must accept responsibility for the quantity (the number of meals they prepare) and quality (ensuring the meals are healthy and tasty) of their output. This work can then be checked by the teacher or other external party.

Unit 11: I’m going to have a party.
In organizing a hypothetical party, students have defined responsibilities – they must plan the quantity (number of guests, amount of food and drink) and ensure quality (making sure the event is enjoyable). Their plans could be checked by the teacher or peers.

C4 – Carry out a defined range of tasks to process data and access information.

Unit 4: Is this coat yours?
Students could be given a task where they must process data (e.g., descriptions or photographs of various clothing items) and access information from that data to determine which coat belongs to whom.

Unit 13: How do I get there?
This could involve a task where students process data (for example, maps or bus timetables) to access information about how to navigate to a particular location.

14a. As this is a new program, we don’t have any records to demonstrate for the projections of the next 3 intakes.

14b. The “Certificate in Practical English for Communication” is a foundational English language course designed specifically for beginner to basic level students. Tailored around the Interchange Intro Level textbook from Cambridge University, the course aims to foster comprehensive English communication skills.

In this course, students will learn and master basic English vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills, thereby strengthening their listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities in English. The course content, drawn from the Interchange Intro Level book, is diverse and highly relevant to daily life and workplace situations. It includes a wide range of topics, such as everyday conversations, self-introduction, greetings, time and dates, shopping, and traveling.

While the course is structured for beginners, it also offers valuable lessons for students who wish to refine their English communication skills further, especially for those aiming to enhance their English proficiency for workplace and career development. Despite being designed for novice learners, the course’s content is far from simplistic. It includes practical training designed for common workplace scenarios, such as business meetings, project reports, and cross-cultural communication.

This new description aligns with the original explanation but provides a more specific context. It outlines the course as not only suitable for English beginners but also for basic level learners with some English foundation, who wish to enhance their English communication abilities, especially within the workplace. The course uses a well-recognized resource – the Cambridge University’s Interchange Intro Level book – to offer comprehensive and practical language instruction that can cater to a variety of English language learning needs. Thus, these two descriptions coexist and complement each other, offering a fuller picture of the course’s breadth and depth.

14b. original description: 英語課程是一個針對英語初學者設計的基礎課程。通過這個課程.
In reference to CEFR, the admission level is A1-A2.

報名表更改的 Admission requirements.

15a. Yes

The placement test covers essential components of English grammar and vocabulary, it doesn’t encompass all aspects of language proficiency, such as listening, speaking, and writing skills. Here are several reasons to justify this approach:

  1. Practical Constraints: Administering a placement test that effectively assesses listening, speaking, and writing abilities requires a lot more resources and time. For example, listening and speaking tests often necessitate a one-on-one session with an examiner or the use of special software for accurate evaluation, which might not be feasible.
  2. Initial Screening: The purpose of a placement test is to screen for basic language competency and ensure the student has a foundational understanding of English. This test does that efficiently by assessing reading comprehension and basic grammatical knowledge. As long as students can demonstrate a foundational understanding of English, they should be able to build on these skills through course instruction.
  3. Progressive Learning: In language learning, reading and understanding written English often precede the development of effective speaking and writing skills. Therefore, ensuring a fundamental understanding of reading comprehension and basic grammar can set a strong foundation for future learning. The more nuanced aspects of English, such as speaking and writing, can be developed and assessed during the course.
  4. Efficient Evaluation: Multiple-choice tests, like the one provided, are easy to administer, score, and standardize. This makes them highly efficient for evaluating a large number of students.
  5. Student Convenience: Not every student is comfortable with a speaking test, especially in the initial stages, due to various factors such as stage fear or lack of confidence. A written test provides an environment where they can take their time to think and respond without the pressure of immediate response that a speaking test entails.

Remember, while this initial placement test does not cover listening, speaking, and writing skills, it’s essential to incorporate these elements into the course and assess these skills as the student progresses through the program. This comprehensive approach will ensure that students develop well-rounded English communication abilities.

15c. This is a new course and we do not have any past records.

15d. The mentioned questions are revised.

  1. Learners come from diverse backgrounds and have various learning needs and styles. This program has been designed with several strategies to address these individual differences and provide a holistic and inclusive learning environment:
  2. Adaptive Curriculum: The program is based on the Interchange Intro level from Cambridge University, a trusted source in language learning. This curriculum is not only comprehensive but also flexible, and can be adapted to suit varying learning needs. For instance, if a student struggles with a particular unit, additional resources or activities can be provided to support their understanding.
  3. Personalized Learning Paths: The program recognizes that every learner is unique. It leverages personalized learning paths that adapt to the student’s progress and performance. This means that each learner can learn at their own pace and will be presented with content and exercises that are best suited for their current level and learning style.
  4. Multimodal Learning: The program adopts a multimodal approach to cater to different learning styles, including visual, auditory, and kinesthetic methods. This includes a mix of text, images, videos, interactive exercises, and even real-time practice opportunities to ensure that every student can learn effectively.
  5. Real-Life Application: The content of the program is not limited to academic learning but includes practical scenarios and professional contexts. This ensures that students not only learn English but also understand how to use it effectively in their personal and professional lives. The program covers topics such as daily life conversations, self-introduction, greetings, time and dates, shopping, and travel, which are all practical and useful contexts.
  6. Ongoing Support and Feedback: Regular feedback is provided to students about their progress and areas for improvement. Students can also reach out for support or clarification at any time. This continuous communication helps address individual challenges and ensures students stay on track.
  7. Inclusion of Workplace and Career Development Skills: The program does not just focus on language learning, but also includes elements of workplace and career development. This focus is beneficial for those learners who are looking to advance their careers, making the program practical and relevant to real-world needs.
  8. Peer Learning Opportunities: The program facilitates interaction among students, allowing them to learn from each other. This can be particularly beneficial for adult learners, who bring varied experiences and insights to the table.

In conclusion, this program has been designed with the learner at the center, and every effort is made to cater to individual differences. Regardless of the background, maturity, or work experience of the learners, they will find this program flexible, comprehensive, and geared towards your success.

  1. We do not check students’ qualification, there is no pre-requisite requirement of qualifications.
  2. This is a new program but proper management of student records in terms of storage and access is crucial and we have a plan to store student records as follow:
  3. Storage Considerations:
  • Student records should be kept in a dry and cool place to avoid damage from moisture, excessive heat, and light. Spaces with overhead pipes, heaters, direct sunlight, or damp basements should be avoided.
  • Consider investing in archival storage boxes from brands like Gaylord and Hollinger.
  • Avoid using materials like rubber bands, staples, paperclips, or tape that can damage paper records.
  • Maintain a clean storage area to prevent dust and critters from accessing the records.
  1. Digital Records:
  • Organize electronic files similar to paper records, with each record type in its own folder and clearly labeled.
  • Create a standardized file-naming convention for quick identification and retrieval.
  • Maintain an organization-specific email account for archiving emails and documents. Consider using cloud storage services like Google Drive for document sharing and editing.
  • Store electronic files in multiple locations, such as cloud storage, hard drives, or thumb drives, following the 3-2-1 rule of digital preservation (making three copies, on two different media, with one copy stored offsite).
  • Consider the desired formats for storing records, such as converting Word or Google Docs to PDF and preserving images in non-compressed formats like TIFF.
  1. Access:
  • Label all files, both paper and digital, with full names and dates to identify the documented topics. For photographs and scrapbooks, identify as many people depicted as possible.
  • Create an inventory of maintained records to quickly identify and locate specific records. Include record series name, description, file listing, date range, and retention/destruction dates.
  • Document the locations and necessary access information, such as passwords, for physical and digital records.
  1. There is no specific market analysis report or the latest relevant data on beginner English learning for adults in Hong Kong. However, I can offer some basic guidelines for conducting a market analysis. The following aspects could be considered to understand the market for beginner English learning among adults in Hong Kong:
  2. Market Size: In Hong Kong, English has become an essential communication tool in the workplace and everyday life due to globalization. Many adults have a significant need to improve their English skills, whether it’s to boost their competitiveness at work, enhance their quality of life, or communicate more effectively with people worldwide. This demand makes adult beginner English courses a significant market in Hong Kong.
  3. Consumer Demand: Many adults may have learned English in school, but their skills may have faded due to a lack of practice. They need to start from scratch, learning basic vocabulary and grammar, and practical conversational skills. They seek a learning method that is convenient, flexible, and compatible with their busy lifestyles, such as online learning or evening classes.
  4. Competitive Environment: The competition in the adult English education market in Hong Kong is fierce. However, most courses and training focus on advanced or business English, leaving a gap in services for beginner learners. This gap in the competitive landscape provides a tremendous market opportunity for institutions offering beginner English courses.
  5. Market Trends: With the advancement of technology, digital learning has become mainstream. Many adults prefer to use mobile apps or online platforms for English learning as they provide the convenience of learning anytime, anywhere. Moreover, personalized and adaptive learning is a crucial trend in recent years, where teaching content and pace are adjusted according to students’ specific needs and learning progress.
  6. Pricing Strategy: Different consumers may have different price sensitivities. Some students may be willing to pay higher prices for more personalized instruction or higher quality services. Others may be looking for more affordable courses. Offering courses at different price points, providing varying levels of service and support, can attract more students and meet their diverse needs.

Conclusion: Given the demand for English learning among adults in Hong Kong and the insufficient supply of beginner English courses in the market, it can be said that beginner English courses for adults have considerable market value in Hong Kong. By providing flexible, personalized learning methods, and pricing strategies designed for students with different price sensitivities, we can meet market demand and gain a competitive advantage.

  1. Mode of delivery: part-time.
    一星期一次; 共40星期
    一星期兩次; 共20星期

每個月開一班,有三個時間,早上10:30-12:30, 2:30-4:30, 7-9pm。
編排日子, 由星期一到星期五,按照市場需要, 收生情況決定時間和地點開班。

  1. 22.


Units 1-3 align with PILOs 1 and 2 as they focus on enhancing English proficiency and improving communication skills.
Units 7, 8, 12, and 16 align with PILO 2 as they specifically target the development of communication skills.
Units 14 and 15 align with PILO 1 and PILO 3 as they involve enhancing English proficiency and increasing cultural awareness.
This mapping table demonstrates how the content covered in Units 1-16 aligns with the intended learning outcomes of the programme, highlighting the specific units that contribute to each PILO.

  1. To address the diversity among students in a class with varying backgrounds and proficiency levels, the following methods can be employed:
  2. Pre-course Assessment: Conduct a pre-course assessment or placement test to gauge the students’ language proficiency levels. This will help identify their individual strengths and areas for improvement.
  3. Differentiated Instruction: Implement differentiated instruction strategies that cater to the diverse learning needs of the students. This may involve modifying the pace, content, and instructional strategies to accommodate different proficiency levels.
  4. Small Group Activities: Organize small group activities that allow students with similar proficiency levels to work together. This fosters collaboration and enables targeted instruction based on the group’s collective needs.
  5. Flexible Materials: Utilize a range of learning materials that are adaptable to different proficiency levels. This can include providing supplementary resources, additional readings, or differentiated assignments to support individual learning paths.
  6. Individualized Support: Offer individualized support through one-on-one sessions, tutorials, or personalized feedback. This provides students with the opportunity to address specific challenges and receive tailored guidance.
  7. Peer Learning: Encourage peer learning and collaboration among students of different proficiency levels. Pairing students with higher proficiency levels with those who may require additional support can create a conducive learning environment and promote peer-to-peer knowledge sharing.
  8. Ongoing Assessment and Feedback: Regularly assess student progress and provide constructive feedback. This helps monitor individual growth, identify areas for improvement, and provide appropriate guidance based on individual needs.

By implementing these methods, the course can effectively address the diversity among students, ensuring an inclusive and supportive learning environment where each student can progress according to their individual proficiency level and learning pace.

  1. 教學流程:

模塊 1: 介紹和個人信息 Introductions and Personal Information

  1. Unit 1: What’s your name? (4小時)
    • 課堂 1 (2小時): 字母表,問候語,名字和稱謂
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第1單元練習,workbook第1單元練習
    • 課堂 2 (2小時): 數字0-10,電話號碼,電子郵件地址
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第1單元練習,workbook第1單元練習
  2. Unit 2: Where are my keys? (4小時)
    • 課堂 3 (2小時): 財物,教室物品,個人物品,房間內的位置
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第2單元練習,workbook第2單元練習
    • 課堂 4 (2小時): 練習描述物品的位置,使用代詞和指示詞
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第2單元練習,workbook第2單元練習
  3. Unit 3: Where are you from? (4小時)
    • 課堂 5 (2小時): 城市和國家,性格和外貌形容詞
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第3單元練習,workbook第3單元練習
    • 課堂 6 (2小時): 數字11-100和年齡
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第3單元練習,workbook第3單元練習
  • 模塊 1 復習和測試 (2小時)
    • 課堂 7 (2小時): 複習模塊 1 的內容,進行小測試以評估學生的學習進度

模塊 2: 日常生活和習慣 Daily Life and Routines

  1. Unit 4: Is this coat yours? (4小時)
    • 課堂 8 (2小時): 衣物,顏色
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第4單元練習,workbook第4單元練習
    • 課堂 9 (2小時): 練習所有格,如何問與答關於物品的所有權
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第4單元練習,workbook第4單元練習
  2. Unit 5: What time is it? (4小時)
    • 課堂 10 (2小時): 時鐘時間,一天中的時段,日常活動
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第5單元練習,workbook第5單元練習
    • 課堂 11 (2小時): 更深入的時間表達方式,如午夜、中午、清晨等
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第5單元練習,workbook第5單元練習
  3. Unit 6: I ride my bike to school. (4小時)
    • 課堂 12 (2小時): 交通方式,家庭關係,日常生活
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第6單元練習,workbook第6單元練習
    • 課堂 13 (2小時): 一週的日子,描述去學校或工作的路程
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第6單元練習,workbook第6單元練習
  • 模塊 2 復習和測試 (2小時)
    • 課堂 14 (2小時): 複習模塊 2 的內容,進行小測試以評估學生的學習進度

模塊 3: 工作和生活習慣 Home and Work

  1. Unit 7: Does it have a view? (4小時)
    • 課堂 15 (2小時): 家庭和房間,有關房屋和公寓的形容詞
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第7單元練習,workbook第7單元練習
    • 課堂 16 (2小時): 練習描述家庭和房間,有/有沒有的表達方式
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第7單元練習,workbook第7單元練習
  2. Unit 8: Where do you work?
    • 課堂 17 (2小時): 職業和職位,動詞一般現在時(單數形式)
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第8單元練習,workbook第8單元練習
    • 課堂 18 (2小時): 練習描述一天的工作或學校生活,動詞一般現在時(複數形式)
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第8單元練習,workbook第8單元練習
  • 模塊 3 復習和測試 (2小時)
    • 課堂 19 (2小時): 複習模塊 3 的內容,進行小測試以評估學生的學習進度

模塊 4: 美食與休閒 Food and Leisure

  1. Unit 9: I always eat breakfast.
    • 課堂 20 (2小時): 食物名稱,動詞一般現在時的疑問形式
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第9單元練習,workbook第9單元練習
    • 課堂 21 (2小時): 練習點菜,談論飲食偏好
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第9單元練習,workbook第9單元練習
  2. Unit 10: What sports do you like?
  • 課堂 22 (2小時): 休閒活動,動詞現在時(肯定形式)
    – 家庭作業: 學生用書第10單元練習,workbook第10單元練習
  • 課堂 23 (2小時): 練習談論休閒活動,動詞過去時(否定形式和疑問形式)
    – 家庭作業: 學生用書第10單元練習,workbook第10單元練習
  1. Unit 11: I’m going to have party.
  • 課堂 24 (2小時): 月份和日期,如何詢問和回答生日
    – 家庭作業: 學生用書第11單元練習,workbook第11單元練習
  • 課堂 25 (2小時): 練習談論生日和節日,日期的表達方式
    – 家庭作業: 學生用書第11單元練習,workbook第11單元練習
  • 模塊 3 復習和測試 (2小時)
  • 課堂 26 (2小時): 複習模塊 4 的內容,進行小測試以評估學生的學習進度

模塊 5: 健康與購物 Health and Shopping

  1. Unit 12: How do you feel?
    • 課堂 27 (2小時): 身體部位,描述病痛和不舒服
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第12單元練習,workbook第12單元練習
    • 課堂 28 (2小時): 練習看醫生時的對話,提供和詢問建議的表達方式
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第12單元練習,workbook第12單元練習
  2. Unit 13: How do I get there?
    • 課堂 29 (2小時): 有關不同類型商店和地點,如何查詢和提供方向
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第13單元練習,workbook第13單元練習
    • 課堂 30 (2小時): 練習購物對話,數字和金額的表達方式
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第13單元練習,workbook第13單元練習
  • 模塊 5 復習和測試 (2小時)
    • 課堂 31 (2小時): 複習模塊 5 的內容,進行小測試以評估學生的學習進度

*模塊 6: Past Experiences and Communication * 過去的經驗和溝通

  1. Unit 14: I had a good time.
    • 課堂 32 (2小時): 未來的計劃和活動,動詞進行時(現在進行時和未來進行時)
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第14單元練習,workbook第14單元練習
    • 課堂 33 (2小時): 練習談論週末計劃和活動,使用連詞和狀語
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第14單元練習,workbook第14單元練習
  2. Unit 15: Where were you born?
    • 課堂 34 (2小時): 詢問和提供信息, 關於出生日期和地點;描述學校經歷和回憶
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第15單元練習,workbook第15單元練習
    • 課堂 35 (2小時): 練習陳述和問題, 過去的; Wh-questions with did, 過去和現在
      • 家庭作業: 學生用書第15單元練習,workbook第15單元練習
  3. Unit 16: Can I take a message?
    • 課堂 36 (2小時): 描述人們的位置;做出、接受和拒絕邀請;找藉口
    • 家庭作業: 學生用書第16單元練習,workbook第16單元練習
    • 課堂 37 (2小時): 練習介詞短語;主題和賓語代詞;帶 Do 的邀請你想要…?你願意嗎到…?;動詞+到
  • 模塊 6 復習和測試 (2小時)
    • 課堂 38 (2小時): 複習模塊 6 的內容,進行小測試以評估學生的學習進度

Course Conclusion
課堂 39 (2小時): 2 小時。複習整個課程的內容
Final Examination
課堂 40 (2小時): 2 小時,進行總測試以評估學生的整體學習進度


  1. In the Certificate in Practical English for Communication programme, the learning, teaching, and assessment materials are based on the Cambridge University Press Interchange Intro coursebook. This choice of materials is justified by several factors:
  2. Relevance: The Interchange Intro coursebook is specifically designed for English beginners, aligning well with the target audience of the programme. The content covers basic vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills necessary for building listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities.
  3. Comprehensive Content: The coursebook offers a rich variety of topics, including daily conversations, self-introductions, greetings, time and dates, shopping, and travel. These topics provide practical and functional language skills that are directly applicable to the students’ daily lives and future interactions.
  4. Structured Approach: The coursebook follows a structured learning progression, introducing new language concepts gradually and building upon previous knowledge. This sequential approach helps students develop a solid foundation in English proficiency.

To ensure compliance with copyright regulations and provide students with access to the required materials, the following measures can be implemented:

  1. Licensing: The educational institution can obtain the necessary licenses or permissions from the copyright holders to reproduce and distribute the coursebook to enrolled students. This ensures legal access to the material without infringing on copyright.
  2. Digital Resources: The institution can provide students with digital copies or extracts of the coursebook through a learning management system or an online platform. These digital resources can be made available exclusively to the registered students for the duration of the programme.
  3. Physical Copies: Physical copies of the coursebook can be procured for each student. The cost of the coursebook can be included in the overall programme fee or provided separately as a mandatory resource. This allows students to have their own personal copies for reference and self-study.

It is important for the educational institution to comply with copyright laws and ensure that the distribution of materials is in accordance with licensing agreements and fair use policies. By implementing the above strategies, students will have access to the necessary course materials while respecting copyright regulations.
Please also refer to the link from the official website: https://www.cambridge.org/bs/cambridgeenglish/catalog/adult-courses/interchange-5th-edition/resources?courseLevel=Intro. There are comprehensive materials for free download.

  1. Here is a sample overview of learning progression and potential revisiting of skills and knowledge from Units 1 to 16:

Module 1: Introductions and Personal Information

  • Unit 1 introduces basic personal information and greetings.
  • Unit 2 focuses on locating personal items and describing their positions.
  • Unit 3 explores discussing cities, countries, and personal characteristics.

Module 2: Daily Life and Routines

  • Unit 4 covers clothing and colors.
  • Unit 5 delves into telling time and daily activities.
  • Unit 6 revolves around transportation, family relationships, and daily life.

Module 3: Home and Work

  • Unit 7 revolves around discussing houses, rooms, and views.
  • Unit 8 explores occupations and workplace-related vocabulary.

Module 4: Food and Leisure

  • Unit 9 focuses on food, breakfast routines, and expressing preferences.
  • Unit 10 covers sports and leisure activities.
  • Unit 11 centers around planning and hosting a party.

Module 5: Health and Shopping

  • Unit 12 addresses health-related vocabulary and expressing feelings.
  • Unit 13 focuses on giving and receiving directions and shopping-related language.

Module 6: Past Experiences and Communication

  • Unit 14 revolves around discussing past experiences and future plans.
  • Unit 15 explores birthplaces, school experiences, and memories.
  • Unit 16 covers taking messages and using prepositions in communication.

Throughout the modules, certain skills and knowledge may be revisited or built upon, such as:

  • Vocabulary related to personal information, locations, occupations, food, and leisure activities.
  • Grammar structures like verb tenses (present, past, future), question forms, and prepositions.
  • Language functions such as describing, giving directions, expressing preferences, and making plans.

For specific sample learning, teaching, and assessment materials aligned with the Cambridge University Press, Please refer to the official website:https://www.cambridge.org/bs/cambridgeenglish/catalog/adult-courses/interchange-5th-edition/resources?courseLevel=Intro

Following are the components which students are able to have a free access to all materials.

Students are free to choose to download the materials.

In the Interchange Intro material, which is designed for beginners, the focus is primarily on building foundational language skills and introducing basic vocabulary, grammar, and communication strategies.

In the context of the material, if students encounter difficulties in identifying the correct answer to a listening question, teachers can employ various strategies to help students acquire the corresponding listening skills and improve their understanding. Here are some possible approaches:

  1. Pre-listening activities: Before playing the audio, the teacher can engage students in pre-listening activities to activate their prior knowledge and set the context. This may include discussing the topic, previewing vocabulary, or predicting the content based on visual cues.
  2. Guided listening: During the listening task, the teacher can provide support by playing the audio multiple times, pausing at key moments, and asking comprehension questions to check understanding. This allows students to focus on specific information and gradually develop their listening skills.
  3. Listening for specific purposes: Teachers can guide students to listen for specific information or details by providing specific tasks or questions related to the listening passage. This helps students to focus their attention and develop their ability to extract relevant information from the audio.
  4. Post-listening activities: After the listening task, the teacher can engage students in post-listening activities to reinforce comprehension and consolidate learning. This may involve discussions, role plays, or follow-up tasks that require students to reflect on the content, express their opinions, or apply the information in a different context.

It’s important to note that the specific techniques and strategies used to develop listening skills may vary depending on the teaching style, classroom dynamics, and the specific goals and objectives of the lesson. The Interchange Intro material may also provide additional guidance and suggested activities in the Teacher’s Manual to support teachers in addressing listening skills development.

The official website: https://www.cambridge.org/bs/cambridgeenglish/catalog/adult-courses/interchange-5th-edition/components
materials will provide detailed information and step-by-step instructions on how to address the four language skills, including listening, within the framework of the course.

Interchange is a four-level, American English course that has been used by over 50 million students worldwide. This edition has been developed with insights from thousands of experienced teachers. The series delivers a communicative approach, flexible unit structure and easy to use digital support, giving teachers the tools they need, and empowering students to achieve their goals.

In the Interchange Intro material, which follows a communicative language teaching approach, you can observe elements of contextualization, integration of skills, product-oriented tasks, purposeful activities, and communicative tasks throughout Units 1-16. Here’s how these aspects are incorporated into the units:

i) Contextualized: The material aims to provide language learning in meaningful contexts that reflect real-life situations. Each unit typically introduces a specific theme or topic, such as personal information, daily life, work, food, health, etc. The vocabulary, grammar, and language functions taught in each unit are presented within the context of these themes, allowing learners to understand and use English in relevant situations.

ii) Integration of skills: The material emphasizes the integration of language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing – to promote a holistic approach to language learning. Each unit includes activities that encourage learners to practice multiple skills simultaneously. For example, a reading passage may be followed by comprehension questions that require both reading and speaking skills, or a listening activity may be followed by a speaking task that encourages learners to discuss the information they heard.

iii) Product-oriented: The material incorporates tasks and activities that focus on producing language in meaningful and authentic ways. Learners are given opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills to complete tasks, create dialogues, write short paragraphs, or engage in role plays. These product-oriented activities aim to develop learners’ ability to communicate effectively and use the language for practical purposes.

iv) Purposeful: The activities and tasks in each unit are designed with clear learning objectives and purposes. Learners are guided to practice specific language functions, use target vocabulary and grammar structures, or develop certain communication strategies. The exercises and tasks are purposefully designed to provide learners with opportunities to use and reinforce the language skills and knowledge introduced in the unit.

v) Communicative: The material encourages learners to engage in authentic communication by providing opportunities for meaningful interaction. Throughout the units, learners are prompted to engage in pair work, group discussions, information exchanges, and role plays. These communicative tasks promote active participation, negotiation of meaning, and the application of language skills in realistic situations.

It’s important to note that the specific activities and tasks within each unit may vary, and the degree to which these characteristics are emphasized may vary as well. The Interchange Intro material, including the Teacher’s Manual, provides guidance on implementing these principles and promoting a communicative approach to language learning.

In the Interchange Intro material, while grammar and vocabulary are important components, there are also formative and summative tasks designed to assess and develop students’ speaking skills. Although the focus on grammar and vocabulary may be more prominent in certain tests within the series, it’s essential to consider the broader scope of the teaching material and the variety of assessment tasks available. Here are some reasons to address the assessment of speaking skills:

  1. Comprehensive approach: The Interchange series adopts a communicative language teaching approach that emphasizes the development of all language skills, including speaking. While grammar and vocabulary are essential, the material also provides opportunities for students to practice and assess their speaking abilities.
  2. Speaking activities and tasks: Throughout the units, the material incorporates various speaking activities and tasks that encourage learners to engage in oral communication. These activities often involve pair work or group discussions, role plays, information exchanges, and dialogues. These tasks provide opportunities for students to express themselves orally and demonstrate their speaking skills.
  3. Interactive exercises: The material includes interactive exercises that require students to respond orally. These exercises may involve completing dialogues, answering questions aloud, or participating in conversations. These tasks aim to develop students’ speaking skills and allow teachers to assess their oral proficiency.
  4. Oral presentations and projects: In some units, the material may include tasks that require students to give oral presentations or work on speaking projects. These tasks allow students to showcase their speaking skills, present information, and engage in extended spoken discourse. Such tasks offer a more comprehensive assessment of their speaking abilities.
  5. Teacher’s Manual guidance: The Teacher’s Manual accompanying the Interchange series provides guidance on assessing speaking skills. It offers suggestions on conducting speaking activities, providing feedback, and assessing students’ oral performance. Teachers can use these resources to design formative and summative assessments that specifically target speaking skills.

While grammar and vocabulary assessment may be more prevalent in certain tests within the series, it’s crucial to consider the entire teaching and learning framework provided by Interchange Intro. By employing various speaking activities, interactive exercises, oral presentations, and guidance from the Teacher’s Manual, teachers can ensure a balanced and comprehensive assessment of students’ speaking skills.

In the Interchange Intro material, while there may be individual exercises, it also incorporates exercises and activities that provide opportunities for students to practice their speaking and listening skills in a communicative context. Here are some reasons to address the opportunities for speaking and listening practice and the use of group assessments:

  1. Pair and group activities: The material includes pair and group activities that require students to engage in spoken communication with their peers. These activities often involve discussions, role plays, information exchanges, and collaborative tasks. By participating in these activities, students have the opportunity to practice their speaking and listening skills in a more interactive and authentic manner.
  2. Dialogue practice: Throughout the units, the material includes dialogues that students can use as models for practicing their speaking and listening skills. These dialogues provide examples of real-life conversations and help students develop their ability to understand and respond to spoken English in various contexts.
  3. Integrated skills tasks: The material integrates listening and speaking skills in certain tasks. For example, students may listen to a conversation or audio clip and then engage in a speaking activity based on what they heard. This integration allows students to develop their listening comprehension while simultaneously practicing their speaking skills.
  4. Real-world scenarios: The material often presents exercises and activities that simulate real-world scenarios, such as conversations at a restaurant, hotel, or airport. These exercises aim to prepare students for future interactions with native speakers in English-speaking countries. By engaging in these exercises, students can enhance their ability to communicate effectively in practical situations.
  5. Group assessments: In addition to individual work, the material may include group assessments where students collaborate and demonstrate their speaking and listening skills collectively. These assessments can take the form of group presentations, discussions, or projects. Group assessments not only provide opportunities for students to practice their speaking and listening skills but also foster teamwork, cooperation, and peer learning.

While there may be individual exercises in the Interchange Intro material, it is important to note that the material also includes pair and group activities, dialogue practice, integrated skills tasks, real-world scenarios, and potential group assessments. These elements aim to provide students with the necessary opportunities to practice their speaking and listening skills, develop their communicative abilities, and better prepare for future interactions with native speakers in English-speaking countries.

In the Interchange Intro material, students are typically required to complete workbook exercises as part of their 40-hour self-study component. The workbook serves as a supplementary resource that reinforces the content and skills taught in the classroom.

During the self-study time, students are expected to review and practice the materials covered in each unit. This includes working through the exercises provided in the workbook, which are specifically designed to complement the corresponding unit in the textbook. The workbook exercises may involve various language tasks, such as vocabulary practice, grammar exercises, reading comprehension activities, and writing tasks.

Completing the workbook exercises during the self-study period allows students to reinforce their understanding of the unit’s content, consolidate their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, and further develop their language skills. It also provides an opportunity for independent practice and self-assessment.

By engaging with the workbook exercises, students can enhance their comprehension, reinforce their learning, and extend their language proficiency beyond the classroom environment. The self-study component with workbook exercises complements the in-class instruction, promoting a well-rounded and comprehensive language learning experience.

28b. Please refer to the official website: https://www.cambridge.org/bs/cambridgeenglish/catalog/adult-courses/interchange-5th-edition/resources?usage[]=Homework&expandedMoreOptions[]=usage

They have the resources to explore.

In the Interchange Intro course, teachers play a crucial role in following up on students’ self-study to ensure that their learning is effective. Here are some ways in which teachers can support and monitor students’ self-study progress:

  1. Provide clear instructions: Teachers should clearly communicate the expectations and guidelines for self-study. They can explain the purpose of self-study and how it complements the classroom instruction. Clear instructions help students understand what they need to focus on during their self-study time.
  2. Assign and review workbook exercises: Teachers can assign specific workbook exercises for students to complete during their self-study period. They should provide guidance on how to approach the exercises and offer explanations or clarification as needed. During subsequent class sessions, teachers can review and discuss the answers to the workbook exercises, addressing any questions or difficulties that students may have encountered.
  3. Monitor progress: Teachers should regularly check students’ progress in completing the assigned self-study tasks. They can allocate time during class sessions to review and discuss the self-study materials, allowing students to share their insights, ask questions, and seek further clarification. By monitoring students’ progress, teachers can identify areas where students may need additional support or guidance.
  4. Provide feedback and support: Teachers should provide feedback on students’ self-study performance and offer constructive suggestions for improvement. They can offer individualized feedback during class discussions, provide written comments on completed workbook exercises, or schedule one-on-one consultations to address specific concerns or challenges. This feedback helps students understand their strengths and weaknesses, guiding them towards more effective self-study strategies.
  5. Foster a supportive learning environment: Teachers can create a supportive learning environment where students feel comfortable seeking help and collaborating with their peers. They can encourage students to form study groups or engage in language practice outside the classroom. By fostering a supportive environment, teachers promote active engagement in self-study and encourage students to take ownership of their learning.

By actively following up on students’ self-study, teachers ensure that students receive guidance, support, and feedback, leading to more effective and meaningful learning outcomes. The combination of structured self-study activities, teacher monitoring, and personalized support contributes to the overall effectiveness of the learning process in the Interchange Intro course.


Followings are the explanations as to how each assessment aligns with the PILOs in the context of the Interchange Intro series:

Unit 1:
Vocabulary & Grammar test related to greetings and introductions

  • Enhanced English Proficiency: The knowledge and use of basic vocabulary and grammatical structures are fundamental for the development of English proficiency. By learning greetings and introductions, students start building the necessary skills to interact in English effectively.

Unit 2:
Listening & Speaking exercises about family and friends

  • Improved Communication Skills: Interactive exercises about family and friends encourage students to express their personal information and understand others’. This way, they develop their listening and speaking skills, essential for successful communication in English.

Unit 3:
Cultural comparison assignment about daily routines

  • Increased Cultural Awareness: Understanding the daily routines of people from different cultures increases students’ cultural awareness. It aids in developing a broader perspective and empathy towards cultural diversity.

Unit 4:
Vocabulary & Grammar test related to shopping

  • Enhanced English Proficiency: By learning vocabulary and grammar about shopping, students can handle a common real-life situation in English-speaking countries, thereby improving their English proficiency.

Unit 5:
Listening & Speaking exercises about food and drink

  • Improved Communication Skills: Discussing topics like food and drink allows students to practice expressing preferences, describing, and comparing—crucial communication skills in English.

Unit 6:
Cultural comparison assignment about meals in different countries

  • Increased Cultural Awareness: This assignment facilitates understanding of food-related traditions in various cultures, thereby fostering an appreciation for cultural diversity and increasing cultural awareness.

Unit 7:
Vocabulary & Grammar test related to sports and hobbies

  • Enhanced English Proficiency: Knowledge about sports and hobbies-related language helps students engage in casual conversations, an integral part of English proficiency.

Unit 8:
Listening & Speaking exercises about work and jobs

  • Improved Communication Skills: Conversing about work and jobs can improve students’ capability to talk about their skills, experiences, and aspirations, essential in both personal and professional English communication contexts.

Unit 9:
Cultural comparison assignment about work cultures

  • Increased Cultural Awareness: Comparing work cultures of different societies encourages understanding of diverse professional etiquettes, expectations, and values, contributing to greater cultural awareness.

Unit 10:
Vocabulary & Grammar test related to travel

  • Enhanced English Proficiency: Travel-related language skills are vital for navigation, accommodation, and interaction when in an English-speaking region, making this critical for English proficiency.

Unit 11:
Listening & Speaking exercises about places in the city

  • Improved Communication Skills: Exercises about places in the city enhance students’ capability to give directions, describe locations, and inquire about places, important in day-to-day English communication.

Unit 12:
Cultural comparison assignment about city planning across cultures

  • Increased Cultural Awareness: This helps students understand diverse urban environments and public spaces across cultures, promoting sensitivity towards cultural differences.

Unit 13:
Vocabulary & Grammar test related to health and wellness

  • Enhanced English Proficiency: Learning vocabulary and grammar about health is crucial for communicating about physical conditions and medical needs, a vital part of English proficiency.

Unit 14:
Listening & Speaking exercises about emergency situations

  • Improved Communication Skills: The ability to communicate effectively in emergency situations could be life-saving. It enhances students’ English communication skills in high-pressure scenarios.

Unit 15:
Cultural comparison assignment about healthcare in different countries

  • Increased Cultural Awareness: This assignment encourages understanding of healthcare systems and health-related cultural practices worldwide, contributing to cultural awareness.

Unit 16:
Comprehensive assessment reviewing all vocabulary & grammar

  • Enhanced English Proficiency: A

comprehensive review of all vocabulary and grammar covered throughout the course provides students an opportunity to consolidate their learning, which is instrumental in enhancing their overall English proficiency.

In the Interchange Intro course, feedback is an integral part of the learning process and can be given in several ways

  1. Formative Assessment: Throughout the course, teachers can provide real-time feedback on students’ performance in vocabulary and grammar tests, listening and speaking exercises, and cultural comparison assignments. This can be done individually, in group discussions, or in the form of written comments. The teacher’s feedback is aimed at helping students understand their areas of strength and where improvements can be made. This is a continuous process that helps students enhance their English proficiency, improve communication skills, and increase cultural awareness.
  2. Peer Feedback: Students could be encouraged to give feedback to their peers during interactive activities, such as listening and speaking exercises, fostering a sense of collaboration and mutual growth.
  3. Mid-term Student Feedback: According to the research, mid-term feedback can offer actionable insights while the course is still in progress. In the Interchange Intro course context, teachers can solicit feedback from students about the course structure, teaching methods, and any other aspect of the course, and then make appropriate adjustments.
  4. End-term Student Feedback: students will be asked to fill out an anonymous course evaluation form at the end of the course. This form can cover general questions about learning and course organization, as well as specific learning goals, course elements, and teacher-designed questions. Teachers can interpret this feedback to understand what’s working and identify areas that may need adjustments.
  5. Incorporating Students’ Suggestions: There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that incorporating students’ suggestions to change the course structure can enhance the learning environment and lead to improved student performance and satisfaction. As part of the Interchange Intro course, teachers might implement changes proposed by students in the course structure or content, such as including more real-world examples, offering diverse assignment options, or changing the way content is delivered.
  6. Tailored Custom Questions: The Interchange Intro course feedback forms can be customizable, allowing teachers to add specific questions to gather targeted feedback on aspects of the course design

Keep in mind that the exact methods of providing and receiving feedback can vary depending on the specifics of the Interchange Intro course delivery and the guidelines.

29c. Yes.


In the Interchange Intro course system, the assessment system includes the following steps:

  1. Assessment Setting: Based on the learning objectives and requirements of the course, teachers set the assessment content. This may include assignments, projects, midterm exams, and final exams.
  2. Marking: Teachers grade students based on their performance and submitted work. The grading criteria are predetermined by the teachers.
  3. Internal Vetting: To ensure that grading is fair, unbiased, and consistent, internal vetting usually takes place. This could be done by another teacher, a department head, or an educational consultant. They review all or a portion of the assessments to ensure the consistency and accuracy of grading standards.
  4. External Moderation: In some instances, particularly in higher education and certification course assessments, there might be external moderation. External moderators are usually individuals not affiliated with the school or institution and independently review the assessment results to ensure fairness and consistency.
  5. Assessment Results: Once the internal and external vetting processes are completed, the final assessment results can be published. This step is typically handled by teachers or school administrators.

30a. TOEIC score 242 is for the pass mark to get reimbursed CEF. The Final Test passing mark is set for the course.

30b. In situations where “Interchange Intro” is used as course material, the following arrangements are usually made if a student fails a module/unit or the Final Test:

  1. Resit Opportunities: Students usually have the chance to sit for one resit. This provides an opportunity for them to demonstrate their grasp of the course content, even if they did not pass in the first instance.
  2. Module/Unit Retake: If students do not pass in a module/unit test, they may need to retake the module/unit, studying it again and then sitting for the exam when ready. This ensures students fully understand and master all necessary course content.
  3. Course Retake: If students do not pass in the final test, they may need to retake the whole course. They then can sit for the final test in the new term to achieve a passing grade.

These arrangements ensure that students have fully understood and mastered all necessary content of the current course before moving on to the next level. At the same time, it encourages students to further enhance their language skills and understanding through retakes or resits.

30c. Only Final Test is for the graduation requirement. TOEIC test is selected for reimbursement of CEF.

31a. Interchange Intro Teacher’s manual will be used.
31b. This is a new course and we do not have any completed documents.

  1. Supplementary Materials: The Interchange series and many other educational resources typically provide extra practice activities, online resources, and additional worksheets that students can use to review and reinforce the content taught in the main course material.

Please note that the actual support provided can vary based on the specific context and resources of the educational institution and teachers. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please consult the official website or contact Cambridge directly.

  1. “學生須知”:(revised)


  1. 課程結構:本課程由16個單元組成,每個單元包括2小時的課堂教學和2小時的自習時間。每4個單元後,會有6小時的複習和測試時間。
  2. 上課時間:請確保您按時參加課程。如果您因故無法參加某次課程,請提前通知語言中心。在必要情況下,我們會儘量為您安排補課。
  3. 假期與補課安排:如果原定的上課日期恰好是公眾假期,該課程將自動順延至下一個上課日。如因疾病或其他不能抗拒的原因無法參加課程,需提前通知語言中心,我們將根據情況安排補課。
  4. 惡劣天氣安排:如遇到特別惡劣的天氣,例如颱風或黑色暴雨警告,原定的課程可能會被取消。在這種情況下,我們將盡快通知您並安排補課。
  5. 考試和補考:每個模塊結束後,都會進行模塊測試,以評估您對所學內容的理解和掌握程度。如果您未能參加該測試,可以在兩周內安排補考。如果補考仍未達到合格標準,您需要跟著老師進行一對一的輔導(必須按照中心資源, 個別決定),然後再次參加測試。
  6. 評核結果申訴:如果您對評核結果有任何疑問或不滿,可於收到成績後一周內向語言中心提交書面申訴,我們將重新審核您的評分。
  7. 投訴政策與程序:如果您對語言中心的服務或教學有任何不滿,可向語言中心提交書面投訴。我們承諾會認真處理每一項投訴,並將在收到投訴後的一周內給予回覆。
  8. 功課:每節課後,都會布置相應的功課,通常包括教科書和工作簿的練習。請按時完成並提交功課。
  9. 學習資源:我們提供了一系列的學習資源,包括教科書、工作簿和線上學習平台。請善加利用這些資源,以提高您的學習效果。
  10. 學生行為守則:請尊重其他學生和老師,保持課堂秩序,並遵守語言中心的所有規定和政策。
  11. 課程完成標準:要完成本課程並獲得證書,您需要參加並通過所有模塊的測試,並按時完成所有的功課。


  1. The Interchange course implements both pre-tests and post-tests as part of their quality assurance to measure students’ learning gains from the Programme.
  2. Pre-tests: At the beginning of the course, a pre-test is administered to students. This test is designed to assess the current level of proficiency of each student in various areas such as vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, and speaking. The results of the pre-test not only serve as a baseline for measuring improvement, but also assist in adapting the instruction to meet the specific needs of the students, ensuring that the course content is suitable and challenging for each individual student.
  3. Post-tests: At the end of each unit/module, a post-test is administered to evaluate students’ understanding and mastery of the unit’s content. This includes the vocabulary, grammatical structures, and communication skills that were taught in the module. The results of these tests serve as an indicator of the effectiveness of the course instruction and the progress of each student.

Furthermore, there is a final post-test at the end of the entire course, which assesses students’ overall proficiency in all the areas covered throughout the course. Comparing the results of this final post-test with the initial pre-test allows for an evaluation of each student’s overall learning gain from the programme.

The results from these tests not only give insight into individual student progress but also help educators assess the effectiveness of the course and make necessary adjustments for future instruction. Please note that while the pre-tests and post-tests are key components of the Interchange course’s quality assurance process, ongoing assessment through homework, class participation, and other forms of formative assessment are also essential in ensuring a comprehensive understanding of each student’s progress and the overall success of the programme.

  1. The workload of the advisor for this programme, despite having 6 modules each consisting of 2 to 4 units, is manageable and is designed to ensure a quality educational experience for our students. The advisor’s role is focused on guidance and strategic oversight rather than on daily operations or micro-management of individual modules.
  2. Programme Design: The advisor initially worked with the team to design the overall structure of the programme, determining how best to divide the 16 units of Interchange Intro into 6 manageable and logically connected modules.
  3. Content Review: The advisor reviews the course content for each module to ensure its alignment with the programme objectives and educational standards. Given their expertise, they are well-placed to suggest improvements or identify areas that might require additional focus. This part of the workload is mainly concentrated at the beginning of the programme and for any major content updates.
  4. Assessment Strategy: The advisor also provides guidance on the design of assessment strategies for each module, ensuring that the methods used effectively measure student learning outcomes.
  5. Quality Assurance: Throughout the course of the programme, the advisor plays a crucial role in quality assurance. They review performance data, student feedback, and assessment outcomes to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme. They provide recommendations for continuous improvement, based on these evaluations.
  6. Advisor Meetings: Regular meetings are held between the advisor and the language center’s team. This ensures the advisor stays updated on the programme’s progress and can provide strategic guidance as needed. However, these meetings are not on a daily basis, reducing the overall time commitment.

Given that the advisor’s role is to provide guidance and consultation, and not to manage day-to-day operations, their workload is structured to fit this capacity. While they are integral to the development, implementation, and review of the programme, their commitment is strategically used to maintain high quality and effectiveness of the programme without being involved in daily tasks.

35b/c. As this is a new program, we do not have any records or notes. But below is an email from the advisor’s comments on one of our students.

36a. Student feedback is a crucial aspect of our course quality assurance. Here is our fundamental process for collecting student feedback:

  1. Feedback Form Distribution: We distribute the student feedback form to each student at the end of the course or at the end of each module for them to fill out. These forms aim to understand the students’ perspectives on the course content, teaching methods, teacher performance, and learning resources, as well as their learning outcomes.
  2. Feedback Collection: Once the students have completed the feedback forms, we set up a dedicated collection box for students to submit their feedback anonymously. In some cases, we may also use electronic feedback forms, which students can fill out and submit online.
  3. Feedback Analysis and Assessment: After collection, the course coordinator or members of the quality assurance department analyze these feedbacks. They look for major trends in the feedback to understand the primary satisfaction levels and potential problems from the students.
  4. Improvement Measures: Based on the results of the student feedback, we may make corresponding course improvements, such as adjusting teaching methods, updating textbooks, or enhancing teaching resources. These changes are implemented after internal discussion and approval from senior management.
  5. Communication with Students: Finally, we provide feedback to the students about the improvements, letting them know how we value and apply their feedback.

We value student feedback as it helps us improve our course quality to better meet student needs. Our goal is to provide a high-quality learning experience for the students, and we believe that collecting and utilizing student feedback is a vital step in achieving this goal.

36b. This is a new program and we do not have such record.


We only can provide some scenarios rather than examples to answer your question.

Scenario 1:
Let’s say a consistent feedback from several students indicated that the pace of the course was too fast, making it hard for them to keep up with the lessons.

The feedback forms were collected and analyzed by the course coordinator who noticed this recurring feedback. The course coordinator brought up this issue in a meeting with the head teacher and the director. After a careful review of the course structure and schedule, the team decided to adjust the course pace.

Firstly, they decided to extend the duration of each module to allow more in-depth coverage and learning time. Secondly, they decided to incorporate additional review sessions after each module to reinforce the learning and address any difficulties faced by the students.

The director then communicated these changes to the students via an email update and a notice on the language center’s official website. The email thanked the students for their valuable feedback and explained the improvements made in response. It emphasized the center’s commitment to providing a conducive learning environment and encouraged students to continue sharing their feedback for the betterment of the course.

Scenario 2:
Suppose there was feedback from students suggesting the need for more practice material to complement their learning.

Once again, the course coordinator, after analyzing the feedback forms, discussed the matter with the head teacher and the director. They agreed that providing more practice material could indeed enhance the students’ learning experience.

Therefore, they decided to introduce additional worksheets and online quizzes related to each unit of the course. The head teacher coordinated with the course teachers to develop these new materials. In addition, they incorporated an online learning platform which offers extra exercises and language games for students to practice at their own pace.

The director, in turn, communicated these improvements back to the students through an official announcement during the course assembly and via a detailed email. The communication thanked the students for their constructive suggestion and explained how the center had implemented it. Furthermore, they reinforced the importance of student feedback in improving the course and encouraged students to continue participating in the feedback process.

37a. Class recordings and class observations play a crucial role in assuring teaching quality in the language center’s certification program. Here’s how they are administered and conducted, including measures taken during the pandemic:

(i) Administering class recordings and class observations for teaching quality:

  1. Class Recordings: The language center utilizes class recordings to assess teaching quality. During regular classroom sessions, selected classes are recorded using appropriate audiovisual equipment. These recordings capture the teaching techniques, interactions, and overall classroom dynamics.
  2. Class Observations: Class observations involve qualified observers who assess the teaching practices and provide valuable feedback to teachers. Observers can be head teachers, senior teachers, or external consultants with expertise in language education.

(ii) Conducting class recordings and class observations during the pandemic:

  1. Remote Teaching: Due to the pandemic, many language centers have shifted to remote teaching using video conferencing platforms. In this case, class recordings are done by recording the virtual classroom sessions. The technology used allows for capturing both audio and visual components of the lesson.
  2. Remote Class Observations: Similarly, class observations can be conducted remotely using video conferencing tools. Observers can join the virtual classroom session as participants or use screen sharing features to observe the teaching practices. They can take notes, assess the teaching techniques, and provide feedback to the teachers based on their observations.

Measures taken to ensure confidentiality and privacy of class recordings and observations:

  1. Consent: Teachers and students are informed about the purpose of class recordings and observations and provide their consent for their participation in these activities.
  2. Confidentiality: Strict protocols are followed to maintain the confidentiality and privacy of recorded classes and observation feedback. Access to recordings and observation reports is limited to authorized personnel involved in the quality assurance process.
  3. Data Protection: Any personal information or sensitive data collected during class recordings and observations is handled in compliance with data protection regulations and guidelines.
  4. Professional Development: The feedback provided through class observations is used for professional development purposes. It is shared with teachers to help them enhance their teaching skills and make necessary improvements in their instructional practices.

Overall, class recordings and class observations are integral components of the language center’s quality assurance measures. They provide valuable insights into teaching practices, promote continuous improvement, and ensure the delivery of high-quality language education in the certification program.

37b. Through the teacher reflection reports, the language center can conduct comprehensive assessments and continuous improvements based on the feedback from both students and teachers. The process of collecting feedback through the student feedback form is as follows:

  1. Administration: The student feedback form is distributed to students, either through online platforms or in physical form, allowing them to provide their suggestions and feedback on the program.
  2. Collection of feedback: Students fill out the feedback form, sharing their opinions, experiences, and suggestions regarding various aspects of the program, such as teaching methods, course materials, assessments, and overall learning experience.
  3. Responsible personnel: The responsibility of collecting and organizing the feedback lies with the teachers, head teacher, and program director. They ensure that the feedback forms are distributed, collected, and compiled for further analysis and review.
  4. Analysis and review: The collected feedback is carefully analyzed by the responsible personnel, who examine the common themes, patterns, and specific suggestions provided by the students. This analysis helps identify areas for improvement and areas of strength within the program.
  5. Review and revamp: Based on the feedback received, the responsible personnel prepare reflective reports that outline the key findings and recommendations for program enhancements. These reports serve as a basis for reviewing and revamping the program to address the identified areas for improvement.
  6. Communication of changes: The results and recommendations from the reflective reports are communicated to the teachers, head teacher, and program director. They discuss and implement the necessary changes in the program, incorporating the feedback from both students and teachers to ensure continuous improvement.

By actively seeking and utilizing feedback from students and teachers, the language center can enhance the quality and effectiveness of the program, making it more responsive to the needs and expectations of the learners.

37c. We only can provide two common scenarios of how suggestions/feedback made by the teachers have been used for review and continuous improvement of the Programme as this is a new program:

Scenario 1: Reviewing and Revamping Teaching Methods
After collecting feedback from the teachers, the responsible personnel, including the head teacher and program director, review the suggestions and recommendations provided by the teachers. They carefully analyze the feedback to identify areas where teaching methods can be enhanced or modified. This may include incorporating innovative teaching techniques, utilizing additional resources, or adapting instructional strategies to better meet the needs of the students. Based on the feedback, the responsible personnel prepare reflective reports that outline the proposed changes to the teaching methods. These reports serve as a guide for the teachers to implement improvements in their instructional practices, ensuring continuous enhancement of the teaching quality within the program.

Scenario 2: Enhancing Course Materials and Assessments
Teachers often provide valuable insights and suggestions regarding the course materials and assessments used in the program. The feedback collected from the teachers is carefully reviewed by the responsible personnel. They examine the recommendations related to the selection of course materials, relevance of content, clarity of instructions, and appropriateness of assessments. Based on the feedback, the responsible personnel collaborate with the teachers and curriculum development team to review and revamp the course materials and assessments. This may involve updating or revising existing materials, incorporating supplementary resources, or introducing new assessment methods that align with the feedback received. The aim is to improve the overall quality and effectiveness of the program’s content and assessments, ensuring a more engaging and meaningful learning experience for the students.

In both scenarios, the feedback provided by the teachers is an integral part of the review and continuous improvement process. It helps identify areas for enhancement, guides decision-making, and promotes collaboration among the teaching staff and program administrators. By valuing and incorporating the suggestions/feedback from the teachers, the language center ensures that the Program evolves and adapts to meet the changing needs and expectations of both the teachers and the students.