



111. on at by with about – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

108. to in at (地點 3) – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

107. in at on (地點 2) – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

106. in at on (地點 1) – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

98. when … – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

97. and but or so because – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

95. still yet already – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

92. too – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

91. enough – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

89. not as … as – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

84. (a) little (a) few – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

83. a lot much many – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

82. both either neither – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

80. every 與 all 比較 – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

77. not+any no none – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

76. some 與 any 比較 – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

75. one/ ones – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

73. the … (地名) – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

70. the … – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

69. a/ an 與 the 比較 – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

65. a/ an – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

62. I/ me/ my/ mine – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

60. my/ his/ their 等 – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

58. have – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

57. do 與 make 比較 – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

56. get – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

40. I am, I don’t等 – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

39. It … – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

37. there is there are – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

36. I used to … – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

33. I have to … – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

32. should – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

30. can 與 could 比較 – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

29. might – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

28. will/ shall (2) – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

27. will/ shall (1) – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

26. I’m going to – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

19. for since ago – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

10. was/ were – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

3. I am doing (現在進行時) – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

“I am doing” 是現在進行時的用法,表示目前正在進行的動作或狀態。它通常由 “am/is/are” + 動詞的現在分詞所構成。


  • I am eating breakfast.(我正在吃早餐。)
  • She is watching TV.(她正在看電視。)
  • They are playing basketball.(他們正在打籃球。)


  1. 主語 + 現在進行時:主語 + am/is/are + 動詞的現在分詞。
  2. 現在進行時通常用來描述目前正在進行的動作或狀態。
  3. 現在進行時的時間通常與現在相關,但不一定是現在正在發生的事情。
  4. 現在進行時也可以用來表示未來安排的計劃或安排。

2. is/am/are (疑問句) – Grammar in use
Expires After: Does not Expire

Grammar In Use 02- is/am/are 疑問句
Expires After: Does not Expire

課文內容 + 音頻 – is/am/are 疑問句

National Geographic LIFE Beginner Level
Expires After: Does not Expire


a / an
I + am, you+are
my, your

jobs工作, the alphabet字母, countries國家 and nationalities國籍, continents大陸
Word focus重點詞彙: from由, numbers數字 1-10, greetings見面打招呼

personal information (1) 個人資料
meeting people 與人會面

Ch 24. Where are you going?
Expires After: Does not Expire






基本“去”的動詞+ 地方 的句子運用

Grammar In Use 01- Present Tense 現在式
Expires After: Does not Expire

自學英語, 從此不再沉悶枯燥。我們的課程能:

  1. 抓住你的專注力。 每個視頻/課點, 約3分鐘。一般成人的學習最高的專注力就是開始的3分鐘。
  2. 7×24學習。課程內容,隨時學習,亦可以重覆觀看視頻, 加深記憶。
  3. 鞏固記憶。 多元化練習題, 隨時學習,有進度記錄。你可清楚知道你學到哪裡,還差什麼。
  4. 導向式學習模式。我們課程分類清晰,可選擇需要學習內容。 或通過我們的測試, 能指向需要學習題目。懂的就可以跳過。輕鬆簡單。
  5. 如有需要,我們的導師團隊,亦可以隨時恭候訂課。每節爲15分鐘, 通過電話,視像網課, 更適合繁忙人士或不同學習需要。

New test h5p
Expires After: Does not Expire

0 Level English Online Course
Expires After: Does not Expire

零基礎 – 不知不覺學英語 – 網上自學課程

0 Level English
Expires After: Does not Expire

零基礎 – 不知不覺學英語

Placement Test -初-初中級程度
Expires After: Does not Expire

EDC 初級英語課程分爲五個程度:

  1. 零基礎 – “0” 程度,從零階段開始。
  2. 假零基礎 – 學過幾年英語,只能“看懂(read)”一些詞彙 。在第一階段的測試約低於60%的合格率。
  3. 初底級程度: 能看懂及能應用最基本20-50個的英語詞彙和一些句子。能超過第一階段的60%。到達第二階段的低於50%的合格率。
  4. 初級程度:能運用基本的詞彙和句子。 第二階段能達到70%的合格率。但低於第三階段的80%。
  5. 初高級程度:日常生活的英語詞彙和句子都能合理地表達。達到移民英語的水平。

Test – Syntax 1
Expires After: Does not Expire

Course – English for beginner 初級(1)
Expires After: Does not Expire

第一課,自我介紹的簡單用法。再配合“見面打招呼” 的輔助教材,在課堂上就能快速的與老師練習真實對話。

Ch.1-50 課,爲初級程度的第一套教材。適合零基礎或想從頭開始學習學生。本課程必須要配合EDC的老師指導下,才能發揮最大效益。


動詞短語 – Chapter 1: HAVE
Expires After: Does not Expire


Placement Test – 動態式英語測試系統:英語初級
Expires After: Does not Expire

本測試系統專為初級英語學習者設計的動態式測試。能有效而快捷地測試到學生的整體英語能力。從而針對式的進行補充練習而不需要“艱苦地”重新學起, 浪費時間。

系統共分爲22大類項目,115個單元組成。本來想要300-400小時的上課時間,能有效縮短到 60-100小時。


  1. 能用英語正常溝通,但會發現在所說或寫的英語句子上,有很多錯誤,希望有系統地重新學習。找外籍導師又不能正常溝通。
  2. 學了英語多年,但還是不能有效率運用“日常英語”,最明顯的是:明明明白對方說的英語(或猜到),就是不知道,或不確定怎樣回答,到最後只能用簡單單字或短句回答(能聽不能講)。很多時亦會會錯意,搞出一些笑話。
  3. 英語基礎差,從零開始,又覺得太容易。初級班又覺得太難或太悶。

不適合零基礎學生,此類學生, 我們EDC有另外一套實用英語課程,只需要通過EDC的獨家教學法,學好500個單字, 等於傳統課程5000個單字。

Grammar for Survival English – Grammar in Use 1-19 課
Expires After: Does not Expire

Grammar for Survival English – Grammar in Use 1-19 課



“目錄” 中列出了各單元所含內容,不一定需要從頭到尾依次學習,依需要而行。是一種嶄新的學習模式。

專為香港人而設的英語教材。配合EDC 獨創的互動式指向測試系統。用短短的15分鐘的評核,能明確指向學生需要學習的單元部分。本來需要200-300小時的從頭到尾傳統教學,能有效縮短到60小時。再配合EDC的面授教學法。更能用最短的時間,達到日常英語的水平。

例如,對現在完成時(I have been, he has done等)有疑問或做指向性測試時不合格,我們提供鏈接指向所屬單元例如:Units 15-20, 隨後進行與現在完成時相關的各個語法點的學習。省時省力。


零基礎 – “0” 程度,從零階段開始。可從第一課順序學起, 但必須要配合EDC合格導師指導。
假零基礎 – 學過幾年英語,只能“看懂(read)”一些詞彙 。可從第一課順序學起, 但必須要配合EDC合格導師指導。
初底級程度: 能看懂及能應用最基本20-50個的英語詞彙和一些句子。可通過我們EDC指向性測試開始嘗試, 知道自己需要從那一課開始。大部分時間需要導師協助。
初級程度:能運用基本的詞彙和句子。學生可以按照指向性測試開始,明白自己的不足,自我檢討學習。導師可提供口語練習, 増強會話能力。

IELTS-G 13 Test 1 Reading and Listening
Expires After: Does not Expire

What is the IELTS Test?
IELTS = International English Language Testing System. It is the world’s biggest English
language test with test centres in most countries. This means it is a test which accepts
international English, not only British English.
There are four parts to the IELTS test:
■IELTS Speaking – a face to face informal test with an examiner which lasts between 11 and
14 mins and is made up of 3 parts. All IELTS candidates take the same test.
■ IELTS Listening – a 30 minute audio recording with 40 questions. All IELTS candidates take
the same test.
■IELTS Reading – 3 reading passages with 40 questions which lasts for 1 hour. This test is
divided into Academic and General Training papers.
■IELTS Writing – this is divided into task 1 and task 2. Task 1 Academic is a short report of a
chart, graph, map table etc. Task 1 GT is a letter. Task 2 Academic & GT is a formal essay.
IELtS writing lasts for 1 hour in total. .
For more information about band scores, GT IELTS, computer IELTS etc see the TEST
INFC )RMATIC DN button on the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website. The Test Info FAQ
page will give you information about using capital letters, using highlighter pens etc – make sure you read that page.

IELTS-G 13 Test 2 Reading and Listening
Expires After: Does not Expire

What is the IELTS Test?
IELTS = International English Language Testing System. It is the world’s biggest English
language test with test centres in most countries. This means it is a test which accepts
international English, not only British English.
There are four parts to the IELTS test:
■IELTS Speaking – a face to face informal test with an examiner which lasts between 11 and
14 mins and is made up of 3 parts. All IELTS candidates take the same test.
■ IELTS Listening – a 30 minute audio recording with 40 questions. All IELTS candidates take
the same test.
■IELTS Reading – 3 reading passages with 40 questions which lasts for 1 hour. This test is
divided into Academic and General Training papers.
■IELTS Writing – this is divided into task 1 and task 2. Task 1 Academic is a short report of a
chart, graph, map table etc. Task 1 GT is a letter. Task 2 Academic & GT is a formal essay.
IELtS writing lasts for 1 hour in total. .
For more information about band scores, GT IELTS, computer IELTS etc see the TEST
INFC )RMATIC DN button on the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website. The Test Info FAQ
page will give you information about using capital letters, using highlighter pens etc – make sure you read that page.

IELTS-G 13 Test 3 Reading and Listening
Expires After: Does not Expire

What is the IELTS Test?
IELTS = International English Language Testing System. It is the world’s biggest English
language test with test centres in most countries. This means it is a test which accepts
international English, not only British English.
There are four parts to the IELTS test:
■IELTS Speaking – a face to face informal test with an examiner which lasts between 11 and
14 mins and is made up of 3 parts. All IELTS candidates take the same test.
■ IELTS Listening – a 30 minute audio recording with 40 questions. All IELTS candidates take
the same test.
■IELTS Reading – 3 reading passages with 40 questions which lasts for 1 hour. This test is
divided into Academic and General Training papers.
■IELTS Writing – this is divided into task 1 and task 2. Task 1 Academic is a short report of a
chart, graph, map table etc. Task 1 GT is a letter. Task 2 Academic & GT is a formal essay.
IELtS writing lasts for 1 hour in total. .
For more information about band scores, GT IELTS, computer IELTS etc see the TEST
INFC )RMATIC DN button on the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website. The Test Info FAQ
page will give you information about using capital letters, using highlighter pens etc – make sure you read that page.

IELTS-G 13 Test 4 Reading and Listening
Expires After: Does not Expire

What is the IELTS Test?
IELTS = International English Language Testing System. It is the world’s biggest English
language test with test centres in most countries. This means it is a test which accepts
international English, not only British English.
There are four parts to the IELTS test:
■IELTS Speaking – a face to face informal test with an examiner which lasts between 11 and
14 mins and is made up of 3 parts. All IELTS candidates take the same test.
■ IELTS Listening – a 30 minute audio recording with 40 questions. All IELTS candidates take
the same test.
■IELTS Reading – 3 reading passages with 40 questions which lasts for 1 hour. This test is
divided into Academic and General Training papers.
■IELTS Writing – this is divided into task 1 and task 2. Task 1 Academic is a short report of a
chart, graph, map table etc. Task 1 GT is a letter. Task 2 Academic & GT is a formal essay.
IELtS writing lasts for 1 hour in total. .
For more information about band scores, GT IELTS, computer IELTS etc see the TEST
INFC )RMATIC DN button on the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website. The Test Info FAQ
page will give you information about using capital letters, using highlighter pens etc – make sure you read that page.

IELTS-G 14 Test 4 Reading and Listening
Expires After: Does not Expire


What is the IELTS Test?
IELTS = International English Language Testing System. It is the world’s biggest English
language test with test centres in most countries. This means it is a test which accepts
international English, not only British English.
There are four parts to the IELTS test:
■IELTS Speaking – a face to face informal test with an examiner which lasts between 11 and
14 mins and is made up of 3 parts. All IELTS candidates take the same test.
■ IELTS Listening – a 30 minute audio recording with 40 questions. All IELTS candidates take
the same test.
■IELTS Reading – 3 reading passages with 40 questions which lasts for 1 hour. This test is
divided into Academic and General Training papers.
■IELTS Writing – this is divided into task 1 and task 2. Task 1 Academic is a short report of a
chart, graph, map table etc. Task 1 GT is a letter. Task 2 Academic & GT is a formal essay.
IELtS writing lasts for 1 hour in total. .
For more information about band scores, GT IELTS, computer IELTS etc see the TEST
INFC )RMATIC DN button on the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website. The Test Info FAQ
page will give you information about using capital letters, using highlighter pens etc – make sure
you read that page.


IELTS-G 14 Test 3 Reading and Listening
Expires After: Does not Expire


What is the IELTS Test?
IELTS = International English Language Testing System. It is the world’s biggest English
language test with test centres in most countries. This means it is a test which accepts
international English, not only British English.
There are four parts to the IELTS test:
■IELTS Speaking – a face to face informal test with an examiner which lasts between 11 and
14 mins and is made up of 3 parts. All IELTS candidates take the same test.
■ IELTS Listening – a 30 minute audio recording with 40 questions. All IELTS candidates take
the same test.
■IELTS Reading – 3 reading passages with 40 questions which lasts for 1 hour. This test is
divided into Academic and General Training papers.
■IELTS Writing – this is divided into task 1 and task 2. Task 1 Academic is a short report of a
chart, graph, map table etc. Task 1 GT is a letter. Task 2 Academic & GT is a formal essay.
IELtS writing lasts for 1 hour in total. .
For more information about band scores, GT IELTS, computer IELTS etc see the TEST
INFC )RMATIC DN button on the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website. The Test Info FAQ
page will give you information about using capital letters, using highlighter pens etc – make sure
you read that page.


IELTS Academic 13-4 Authentic Test Reading+Listening
Expires After: Does not Expire


What is the IELTS Test?
IELTS = International English Language Testing System. It is the world’s biggest English
language test with test centres in most countries. This means it is a test which accepts
international English, not only British English.
There are four parts to the IELTS test:
■IELTS Speaking – a face to face informal test with an examiner which lasts between 11 and
14 mins and is made up of 3 parts. All IELTS candidates take the same test.
■ IELTS Listening – a 30 minute audio recording with 40 questions. All IELTS candidates take
the same test.
■IELTS Reading – 3 reading passages with 40 questions which lasts for 1 hour. This test is
divided into Academic and General Training papers.
■IELTS Writing – this is divided into task 1 and task 2. Task 1 Academic is a short report of a
chart, graph, map table etc. Task 1 GT is a letter. Task 2 Academic & GT is a formal essay.
IELtS writing lasts for 1 hour in total. .
For more information about band scores, GT IELTS, computer IELTS etc see the TEST
INFC )RMATIC DN button on the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website. The Test Info FAQ
page will give you information about using capital letters, using highlighter pens etc – make sure you read that page.


IELTS Academic 13-3 Authentic Test Reading+Listening
Expires After: Does not Expire

What is the IELTS Test?
IELTS = International English Language Testing System. It is the world’s biggest English
language test with test centres in most countries. This means it is a test which accepts
international English, not only British English.
There are four parts to the IELTS test:
■IELTS Speaking – a face to face informal test with an examiner which lasts between 11 and
14 mins and is made up of 3 parts. All IELTS candidates take the same test.
■ IELTS Listening – a 30 minute audio recording with 40 questions. All IELTS candidates take
the same test.
■IELTS Reading – 3 reading passages with 40 questions which lasts for 1 hour. This test is
divided into Academic and General Training papers.
■IELTS Writing – this is divided into task 1 and task 2. Task 1 Academic is a short report of a
chart, graph, map table etc. Task 1 GT is a letter. Task 2 Academic & GT is a formal essay.
IELtS writing lasts for 1 hour in total. .
For more information about band scores, GT IELTS, computer IELTS etc see the TEST
INFC )RMATIC DN button on the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website. The Test Info FAQ
page will give you information about using capital letters, using highlighter pens etc – make sure
you read that page.

IELTS Academic 13-2 Authentic Test Reading+Listening
Expires After: Does not Expire


What is the IELTS Test?
IELTS = International English Language Testing System. It is the world’s biggest English
language test with test centres in most countries. This means it is a test which accepts
international English, not only British English.
There are four parts to the IELTS test:
■IELTS Speaking – a face to face informal test with an examiner which lasts between 11 and
14 mins and is made up of 3 parts. All IELTS candidates take the same test.
■ IELTS Listening – a 30 minute audio recording with 40 questions. All IELTS candidates take
the same test.
■IELTS Reading – 3 reading passages with 40 questions which lasts for 1 hour. This test is
divided into Academic and General Training papers.
■IELTS Writing – this is divided into task 1 and task 2. Task 1 Academic is a short report of a
chart, graph, map table etc. Task 1 GT is a letter. Task 2 Academic & GT is a formal essay.
IELtS writing lasts for 1 hour in total. .
For more information about band scores, GT IELTS, computer IELTS etc see the TEST
INFC )RMATIC DN button on the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website. The Test Info FAQ
page will give you information about using capital letters, using highlighter pens etc – make sure
you read that page.


IELTS Academic 13-1 Authentic Test Reading+Listening
Expires After: Does not Expire

What is the IELTS Test?
IELTS = International English Language Testing System. It is the world’s biggest English
language test with test centres in most countries. This means it is a test which accepts
international English, not only British English.
There are four parts to the IELTS test:
■IELTS Speaking – a face to face informal test with an examiner which lasts between 11 and
14 mins and is made up of 3 parts. All IELTS candidates take the same test.
1 IELTS Listening – a 30 minute audio recording with 40 questions. All IELTS candidates take
the same test.
■IELTS Reading – 3 reading passages with 40 questions which lasts for 1 hour. This test is
divided into Academic and General Training papers.
■IELTS Writing – this is divided into task 1 and task 2. Task 1 Academic is a short report of a
chart, graph, map table etc. Task 1 GT is a letter. Task 2 Academic & GT is a formal essay.
IELtS writing lasts for 1 hour in total. .
For more information about band scores, GT IELTS, computer IELTS etc see the TEST
INFC )RMATIC DN button on the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website. The Test Info FAQ
page will give you information about using capital letters, using highlighter pens etc – make sure
you read that page.

IELTS-G 14 Test 2 Reading and Listening
Expires After: Does not Expire

IELTS-G 14 Test 1 Reading and Listening
Expires After: Does not Expire


The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is widely recognised as a reliable means of assessing the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is the language of communication. These Practice Tests are designed to give future IELTS candidates an idea of whether their English is at the required level.

IELTS is owned by three partners: Cambridge Assessment English, part of the University of Cambridge; the British Council; IDP Education Pty Limited (through its subsidiary company, IELTS Australia Pty Limited). Further information on IELTS can be found on the IELTS website www.ielts.org.


IELTS consists of four components. All candidates take the same Listening and Speaking tests. There is a choice of Reading and Writing tests according to whether a candidate is taking the Academic or General Training module.

The test components are taken in the following order:

The test components are taken in the following order:

Expires After: Does not Expire

Part One


IELTS Part One Demo

Below are 5 Dos and Don’ts to make sure that you start your Speaking test in the best possible way.

Speaking Part 1 lasts between 4-5 minutes and you will be asked questions about familiar topics, such as:

  • Your job/studies
  • Your family
  • Your home
  • Your hometown
  • Your hobbies

Notice that these questions are all about you. It is considered easier than the other two parts because it is much easier to talk about yourself than more abstract topics, but that doesn’t mean it is not important.

Below are 5 Dos and Don’ts to make sure that you start your Speaking test in the best possible way.

Do # 1- Know What to Expect

You will probably be a little nervous and you don’t want any surprises that will make you even more anxious, so you must be aware of exactly what will happen when you walk into the room.

Before Part 1 begins four things will happen.

  1. The examiner will introduce themselves and ask you what your name is. You can simply reply ‘My name’s _______’. Make sure that you use the contraction ‘name’s’ rather than ‘name is’. This will remind you to use contractions (e.g. I’m, We’d, they’ll) in the rest of the test.
  2. The examiner will then ask you ‘What can I call you?’. You can simply say ‘You can call me_______’. If you have an English name, it is fine to use it, but make sure that you pronounce it correctly. If you can’t say your own name properly, it does not create the best first impression. If unsure, just use your normal name.
  3. They will then ask you where you are from. Simply state “I’m from_____”. There is no need for you to give any extra information about your answers at this stage.
  4. The examiner will finally ask to see your identification. Show it to them and then the test can begin.

By knowing these four things will happen you will be more confident and start the exam well.

Do # 2- Create a Good First Impression

My students often ask me, if they smile, are friendly and give the examiner good eye contact, will they get a higher mark. The answer is no and yes.

There is nothing in the marking criteria which says that being nice, or looking the examiner in the eye will improve your grade. However, being confident helps you because it will have an effect on your answers.

If you look at the floor and give the impression that you would rather be anywhere in the world apart from in the room with the examiner, you will normally give very short monotone answers and this will lower your score.

However, if you are open and friendly with the examiner, you are more likely to give natural sounding answers.

Don’t overdo the eye contact thing. It feels really strange when someone looks you straight in the eye for 15 minutes. Pretend that you are having a normal conversation with a friend. If you were looking at the floor the entire time, a friend would ask you if you were OK. If you were staring them dead in the eye, they would get a bit freaked out.

Pretend it is just a normal conversation and you will be fine.

Do # 3- Pretend You’re Interested in the Questions

Let’s face it, most IELTS questions are really boring. If you listen to someone answer a boring question you will notice one thing- their voice is monotone i.e. it does not go up or down in pitch at all, it sounds very flat. If you speak like this you will get a lower mark for pronunciation because one of the crucial factors you will be tested on is intonation.

When native English speakers talk, their voice naturally falls and rises depending on how they feel about what they are saying.

Imagine you are late for class, you walk into the room and the teacher says to you in a falling tone ‘Sit down, please.’ They are probably telling you, through their intonation, that they are not very happy with your lack of punctuality. However, if they said it with a rising tone at the start, they would probably be telling you they don’t mind that you are late and are happy to see you.

Similarly, if you pretend that you are interested in what the examiner is saying your intonation should become more varied. However, be careful not to overdo it and make your voice really high, or really low because you will sound like a crazy person.

Listening to native speakers talk and copying their intonation will give you a good idea of what natural intonation sounds like.

Do # 4- Extend Your Answers

There is no set amount of words or sentences that you should use in Part 1.

They shouldn’t be too short because you want to show the examiner that you can actually use English, so ‘I’m a student.’ is not really long enough.

However, they should not be too long either, because Part 1 is on familiar topics (family, work, hobbies etc.) and you don’t normally talk for 2 minutes when someone asks you where you are from. Also, you will have lots of opportunities to give longer answers in Parts 2 and 3.

As a general rule, if you only give a single sentence answer, with a single clause like ‘I’m from Ireland.’, then your answer is too short. I also don’t think Part 1 answers should ever have more than three sentences. Somewhere in between is just right.

Do # 5- Practice

It is a very bad idea to prepare memorised answers before your speaking test, but because Part 1 is very predictable, you should practice the familiar topics mentioned above in number one.

Try recording yourself and then listen back and think about the following:

  1. Could you improve the vocabulary?
  2. Did you make any grammar mistakes that could be fixed?
  3. Did you speak fluently or did you speak at an unnatural speed?
  4. How was your intonation?
  5. Did you extend your answer enough?
  6. Did you speak clearly?

Try again and keep practicing until you are really confident about talking about the common topics.

Speaking part 1 Q&A short answers

IELTS Speaking Topics- Part 1


CEF Placement Test
Expires After: Does not Expire



  • 從未曾申請開立持續進修基金帳戶的申請人;或於2019年4月1日前已開立帳戶的申請人,不論其帳戶過去是否已結束,均可以就2019年4月1日或以後開課的基金課程申請發還款項。
  • 新的申請人可申領合共最多20,000港元的資助。已開立帳戶申請人可申領新增的10,000港元資助,以及原有的10,000港元資助中尚未申領的結餘(如有)。首10,000港元資助的學員共付比率(即學員本身需負擔的費用的百分比)為課程費用的*20%,而次10,000港元資助的學員共付比率則為課程費用的40%。

最新持續進修基金表格 [SFO 302 (2019)] 是一份合併表格,可同時處理開立持續進修基金帳戶及發還款項的申請。由 2019 年 4 月 1 日起,首次申請的人士,只

No One Tells You This Ielts
Expires After: Does not Expire

  • 10分鐘 深入瞭解Listening 考題重點(視頻)
  • 考試重點結構 Section 1 – 4(視頻)
  • Section 1 專家與你一起做題(視頻)
  • Section 1 考試攻略(文字)
  • Section 1 挑戰真題


No One Tells You This


Listening 課程簡介(文字)

  • 10分鐘 深入瞭解Listening 考題重點(視頻)
  • 考試重點結構 Section 1 – 4(視頻)
  • Section 1 專家與你一起做題(視頻)
  • Section 1 考試攻略(文字)
  • Section 1 挑戰真題

IELTS Listening聆聽考試主要考核考生能否

  • 掌握獨白或對話重點和意義的能力
  • 了解講者觀點及取態的能力
  • 跟隨講者思路發展的能力


  • 第一部分: 與日常生活相關的二人對話,例如餐廳訂位的對話
  • 第二部分:與日常生活相關的獨白,例如以城市設施為題的演講
  • 第三部分:與教育或培訓相關、不多於四人的多人對話,例如教授與學生討論作業的對話
  • 第四部分:與學術題材相關的獨白,例如大學的講座


  • 全卷約30分鐘,每部分的錄音只會播放一次
  • 另外給予考生額外的10分鐘去整理答案


  • MC題
  • 配對題
  • 填表題
  • 詞語填充題
  • 短答題


  • 全卷共40分,即每題1分,根據答對題數按照1-9的等級給分

由於不同考試版本會出現微小的難度差異,因此IELTS為不同等級設定成績邊界,以求客觀反映考生的英語聆聽能力。以下為IELTS Listening試卷的分數換算表:

等級 答對題數
9 39-40
8.5 37-38
8 35-36
7.5 33-34
7 30-32
6.5 27-29
6 23-26
5.5 18-22
5 16-17

Whole IELTS Online course 雅思資源課程
Expires After: Does not Expire

Make IELTS so EASY 完全手冊


  • 精選視頻, 輕鬆學習。 聽說讀寫, 清晰分類。節省網上搜索時間。
  • 真題練習, 包括聽說讀寫,連Model Answers
  • 真題評分,包括Reading + Listening。 Speaking & Writing 可找IELTS 註冊考官評核(另外收費)
  • 針對學生的目前程度,提供足夠詞彙量達到目標分數
  • 針對學生英語能力,提供語法級英語教材,達到目標分數

IELTS Open Source
Expires After: Does not Expire

WE provide the best available YouTube material for students to get more information about the test.

Expires After: Does not Expire

PART 1-3

EDC 導師團隊,細心精選網上視頻,做了SPEAKING系列。省卻我們的學生尋找有用視頻的時間。視頻分為Part 1-3。 學生可以隨意來回觀看。用最短的時間總結雅思口語的要訣。

IELTS-G 14 Test 2 Whole Test
Expires After: Does not Expire


The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is widely recognised as a reliable means of assessing the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is the language of communication. These Practice Tests are designed to give future IELTS candidates an idea of whether their English is at the required level.

IELTS is owned by three partners: Cambridge Assessment English, part of the University of Cambridge; the British Council; IDP Education Pty Limited (through its subsidiary company, IELTS Australia Pty Limited). Further information on IELTS can be found on the IELTS website www.ielts.org.


IELTS consists of four components. All candidates take the same Listening and Speaking tests. There is a choice of Reading and Writing tests according to whether a candidate is taking the Academic or General Training module.

IELTS-G 14 Test 1 Whole Test
Expires After: Does not Expire


The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is widely recognised as a reliable means of assessing the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is the language of communication. These Practice Tests are designed to give future IELTS candidates an idea of whether their English is at the required level.

IELTS is owned by three partners: Cambridge Assessment English, part of the University of Cambridge; the British Council; IDP Education Pty Limited (through its subsidiary company, IELTS Australia Pty Limited). Further information on IELTS can be found on the IELTS website www.ielts.org.


IELTS consists of four components. All candidates take the same Listening and Speaking tests. There is a choice of Reading and Writing tests according to whether a candidate is taking the Academic or General Training module.

The test components are taken in the following order:

The test components are taken in the following order: